Sanguine Noble Robe

Sanguine Noble Robe

Sanguine Noble Robe

Game: Elden Ring

Robe of dyed black cloth featuring gold embroidery.
Worn by the nobles who serve the Lord of Blood.

The grand metallic pattern on the shoulder is a signifier of the noble rank they intend to claim upon the advent of the new dynasty they are working to install.
Slot: Body
Weight: 5.1
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 6.1 Strike 5.3 Slash 5.3 Pierce 5.3
Magic 13.3 Fire 11.9 Lightning 13 Holy 13.5
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 50 Robustness 21 Focus 83 Vitality 76 Poise 10

Part of the Sanguine Noble set.

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