Skeletal Mask

Skeletal Mask

Skeletal Mask

Game: Elden Ring

Skeletal mask that tightly grips the face.
Worn by the assassins of Ravenmount.

This ritual implement relentlessly digs into the wearer’s face, preserving one’s human instincts while dressed in imitation of the Deathbirds.
Slot: Head
Weight: 3
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 2.5 Strike 3.1 Slash 2.8 Pierce 3.1
Magic 3.4 Fire 3.4 Lightning 3.6 Holy 3.1
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 23 Robustness 14 Focus 24 Vitality 24 Poise 4

Part of the Raptor’s set.

Where to Find the Skeletal Mask

Found in the Sage’s Cave on the Altus Plateau. See walkthrough for details on acquiring.

location of sages cave map elden ring
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