Thiollier’s Mask

Thiollier's Mask

Thiollier’s Mask

Game: Elden Ring

A mask upon which is carved a tranquil sleeping face.

The silver hair is arranged in the same style as St. Trina’s, increasing arcane.

Just once, Thiollier was granted the sweet repose of velvety sleep. The remainder of his days would be spent attempting to recapture it.
Slot: Head
Weight: 3.8
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 4.4 Strike 4 Slash 3.4 Pierce 3.8
Magic 2.3 Fire 3.1 Lightning 2.3 Holy 3.1
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 15 Robustness 16 Focus 11 Vitality 0 Poise 6

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