Tree Surcoat

Blue surcoat draped over chainmail.

The tree insignia emblazoned on the front depicts the Erdtree, and is a design beloved throughout the Lands Between.
Slot: Body
Weight: 9.2
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 12.9 Strike 12.9 Slash 8.8 Pierce 11.9
Magic 8.8 Fire 10.9 Lightning 7.1 Holy 8.8
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 25 Robustness 55 Focus 21 Vitality 18 Poise 21

Tree Surcoat

Where to Find the Tree Surcoat

Sold by a Nomadic Merchant on the Altus Plateau, next to the Forest-Spanning Greatbridge site of grace.

location of forest spanning greatbridge nomadic merchant altus plateau elden ring
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