Unendurable Frenzy

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Unendurable Frenzy

Game: Elden Ring

Emits violent burst of yellow flame of frenzy from eyes
Spell Category:
Slots Used: 1
FP Cost (Initial • Held): 42 – 24
Stamina Cost: 40
attributes required icon eldenring Attributes Required: Faith 31

Incantation originating from the maddening Three Fingers. Causes the yellow flame of frenzy to violently burst forth from the caster’s eyes. Hold to continue channeling the flame. This incantation can be used while in motion. It is the maddening pain and unstoppable tears of those afflicted with the flame of frenzy brought into being.

Where to Find the Unendurable Frenzy Incantation

Found in the western section of the Yelough Anix Ruins in the Consecrated Snowfield, in the basement of a ruined building that you must jump into.

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