Upper-Class Robe

Upper-Class Robe

Upper-Class Robe

Game: Elden Ring

Embroidered, bright green robe worn by noble children.
Donning such a robe is traditionally the child’s first show of burgeoning independence.
Slot: Body
Weight: 4.1
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 4.2 Strike 6.1 Slash 6.1 Pierce 2.7
Magic 12.8 Fire 11.9 Lightning 12.6 Holy 13
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 38 Robustness 21 Focus 61 Vitality 61 Poise 8

Where to Find the Upper-Class Robe

Found in Leyndell, Royal Capital — see Part 1 of walkthrough for details.

upper class robe location elden ring
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