Vagabond Knight Armor

Vagabond Knight Armor

Vagabond Knight Armor

Game: Elden Ring

Chest piece of a knight banished from their motherland.
Dirty and battered after enduring a lengthy vagabond journey.

The crest emblazoned on the front is worn and dingy, no longer able to evoke sentiment.

Metal armor is heavy, but also sturdy, offering significant damage negation.
Slot: Body
Weight: 10.6
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 13.5 Strike 12.4 Slash 11.4 Pierce 11.9
Magic 10.2 Fire 10.9 Lightning 8.8 Holy 8.8
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 35 Robustness 57 Focus 23 Vitality 23 Poise 22

Part of the Vagabond Knight set.

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