White Reed Greaves

White Reed Greaves

White Reed Greaves

Game: Elden Ring

Greaves of the White Reeds, fashioned from banded iron plates.
Worn by the Inaba, head disciples of the great swordsman Okina.

The Inaba traveled in pursuit of not only the master who abandoned them, but also proper deaths, won honorably through hard-fought combat.
To be a White Reed is to seek death; fitting for the Inaba, who desired nothing more than to die by the sword.
Slot: Leg
Weight: 5.1
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 5.4 Strike 6.5 Slash 5.8 Pierce 5
Magic 6.2 Fire 6.2 Lightning 6.8 Holy 5.8
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 41 Robustness 26 Focus 34 Vitality 31 Poise 10

Part of the White Reed set.

Where to Find the White Reed Greaves

Found in the Spiritcaller Cave, in the Mountaintops of the Giants. Note that the entrance to the cave is accessed via the lake, on the low ground, and not from the plateau above.

spiritcaller cave location mountaintops of the giants elden ring
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