Zamor Armor

Zamor Armor

Zamor Armor

Game: Elden Ring

Armor worn by knights of Zamor, hailed as heroes in the War against the Giants.

These long-lived warriors, clad in biting, freezing winds, are said to have been the mortal enemies of the Fire Giants since time immemorial.
Slot: Body
Weight: 8.8
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 11.9 Strike 12.4 Slash 9.5 Pierce 10.9
Magic 8.8 Fire 8.8 Lightning 6.1 Holy 8
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 21 Robustness 63 Focus 11 Vitality 18 Poise 18

Part of the Zamor set.

Where to Find the Zamor Armor

Drops from the Ancient Hero of Zamor found in the Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave, in the Mountaintops of the Giants.

location of giant conquering heros grave dungeonmountaintops of the giants elden ring
The map can be misleading — reaching the dungeon requires hugging the northern edge of the cliff as you make your way west
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