A Dank Cellar – Eschalon: Book I Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about A Dank Cellar, which is located beneath South Parish.


eschalon book 1 map adankcellar

Points of Interest

  1. Pressure Plate / Secret Door
  2. Chest / Locked Door
  3. Lever / Gate
  4. Traps
  5. Gate
  6. Cabinet / Locked Door
  7. Lever / Gate
  8. Trap
  9. Dead Thief / Locked Door
  10. Lever / Gate
  11. Gates
  12. Noximander Lair
  13. Treasure Room

Local Exit

  1. Stairs to South Parish


Notable Loot


1 – Pressure Plate / Secret Door

Stepping on the pressure plate here (#1) will cause a wall to the west (#1a) to open.

2 – Chest / Locked Door

In the chest here (#2) you’ll find a Door Key, which will unlock the door to the west (#2a).

3 – Lever / Gate

Pulling the lever here (#3) will open a gate to the south (#3a).

4 – Traps

You’ll discover three traps here. They’re controlled by pressure plates.

5 – Gate

To open and close the gate here, you’ll need to step on the pressure plate right next to it.

6 – Cabinet / Locked Door

Inside the cabinet here (#6) you’ll find a Thin Key, some Detox Serum, and a Torch. The key will unlock a door to the south (#6a).

7 – Lever / Gate

Pulling the lever here (#7) will open a gate to the east (#7a).

8 – Trap

eschalon book 1 map insert puzzletrap
The safe path through the trap.

The trap here consists of a 4×4 grid of pressure plates. There is one safe path through the grid. Every other square will trigger a trap. The image above shows the safe path. You can disarm the traps if you want, but you’ll have to fight some Fanged Salamanders here later, and the traps can kill them for you.

9 – Dead Thief / Locked Door

On the dead thief (#9) you’ll find a Brassy Key, Chainmail Boots, an Iron Dagger, and 40 gp. The key will unlock a door to the east (#9a).

10 – Lever / Gate

Pulling the lever here (#10) will open a gate to the west (#10a).

11 – Gates

To open these two gates, you’ll need to pull the lever right next to them.

12 – Noximander Lair

You’ll encounter two Noximanders in this lair. For best results, you should fight them in the entrance doorway so you’ll only have to face them one at a time. It’s also a good idea to have some Detox Serum handy. You’ll find some in the front part of the cellar (#6).

13 – Treasure Room

Inside the treasure room you’ll find a random chest plus a chest containing a Bar of Mithril. You’ll need the Bar of Mithril for Farwick’s side quest in Aridell (South Parish).

Local Exit

A – Stairs to South Parish

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

Articles: 464

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