Garrett – Eschalon: Book I Quest

In this guide we’ll show you how to complete Garret’s side quest.


eschalon book 1 map sq garrett

Points of Interest

  1. Owl’s Roost Tavern
  2. Bandit Camp


To trigger this quest, you’ll need to travel to the Owl’s Roost Tavern in Aridell, which is a part of South Parish. Inside, you’ll meet Porter and Garrett. If you try talking to Garrett, then he won’t really respond to you. But if you ask Porter about Garrett, then he’ll tell you that Garrett was the sole survivor of a shipwreck. This will give you a new line of dialogue with Garrett, which will lead to you receiving the quest.


Garrett (#1) will tell you that he lost his father’s sextant during the shipwreck, and he’ll speculate that the bandits who control the Salted Coast might have picked it up. He’ll then ask you to look for it.

The Antique Sextant is located in a bandit camp in the Eastern Salted Coast (#2). There will be several Thugs in the camp, and they can be difficult to kill if they gang up on you. If you have trouble with them, then there are two things you can do. You can use the fence surrounding the camp to your advantage. The Thugs won’t always know how to get around it, so you can lure some to you while the others stay behind, or you can sit on one side of the fence while they’re stuck on the other, and pelt them with ranged attacks. You can also retreat back to South Parish. The Thugs won’t follow you off the map, so you can fight them, then retreat to a different map, then camp for a while to heal, and then repeat.

With the Thugs out of the way, you’ll find the Antique Sextant and 150 gp inside a locked chest. When you deliver the sextant to Garrett (#1), you’ll receive 300 xp, and Garrett will offer to share his knowledge of Cartography with you. This will make Garrett a Cartography trainer. If you already have Cartography at rank 5, then you can also just keep the sextant (worth 350 gp) and sell it to a merchant.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

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