Goblin Citadel – Eschalon: Book I Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about the Goblin Citadel, which is located in Western Crakamir.


eschalon book 1 map goblincitadel

Points of Interest

  1. Well
  2. Explosives Room
  3. Gate / Lever
  4. Gate / Lever
  5. Chest
  6. Levers / Gates
  7. Demon Statue / Chest
  8. Chest / Traps
  9. First Trapped Doorway
  10. Second Trapped Doorway
  11. Gate / Lever
  12. Lever / Portal
  13. Lever
  14. Obelisk
  15. Gate / Lever
  16. Gramuk
  17. Locked Door
  18. Gramuk’s Chamber
  19. Treasure Room

Local Exits

  1. Exit to Western Crakamir
  2. Stairs between Levels 1 and 2
  3. Portal to Bastion Spire


Notable Loot


1 – Well

If you drink from this well, then you might catch a disease.

2 – Explosives Room

In this room (#2) you’ll find lots of explosive barrels, plus some Goblin Bombthugs and a Goblin Hacker. The easiest way to defeat the goblins is to set off a chain reaction of explosions. If you blow up the explosive barrels in the back of the room (#2a) then you’ll blow a hole in the wall, which will allow you to access the closed off part of the citadel.

3 – Gate / Lever

To open this gate, you’ll just need to pull the lever right next to it.

4 – Gate / Lever

To open this gate, you’ll just need to pull the lever right next to it.

5 – Chest

The code for this chest is 66. If you enter that code after learning it from Gruzz in the Whistling Cave, then you’ll earn 400 xp when you open the chest. Inside the chest you’ll find Skullsplitter, the best mace in the game.

6 – Levers / Gates

You’ll find two levers and two gates here. The lever on the right will open the gate on the right. The lever on the left won’t do anything. The gate on the left can’t be opened.

7 – Demon Statue / Chest

Each time you click on the demon statue, it will try to curse you, and three Goblin Hackers will show up and attack you. In the nearby chest you’ll find a Sacrificial Dagger.

8 – Chest / Traps

The chest here is always empty. It’s just the bait to get you to step on the traps next to it.

9 – First Trapped Doorway

If you step onto the pressure plate in the doorway here, then you’ll suffer 350 points of damage and die. To disable the trap, you’ll need to pull the lever just before the door.

10 – Second Trapped Doorway

This trapped doorway is just like the first one (#9), except you’ll need to shoot the lever in the room beyond the doorway in order to pass through unscathed.

11 – Gate / Lever

To open this gate (#10), you’ll need to pull the lever to the west (#11a).

12 – Lever / Portal

The lever here will activate the portal right next to it, which will take you to the portal building in Rotwood.

13 – Lever

The lever here will open up the gates in the chamber, which will make it easier for you to get back to the main exit from the citadel (Exit A).

14 – Obelisk

The obelisk here has keyholes for the four keys. See our guide for the main quest Goblin Keys for information about where to find them. When you place the keys inside obelisk, the gate blocking the stairs to Level 2 (Exit B) will open, allowing you to ascend to the top level of the citadel.

15 – Gate / Lever

To open this gate, you’ll need to pull the lever right next to it.

16 – Gramuk

Instead of attacking you on sight, Gramuk will wait for you to talk to him, and then he’ll make you an offer. If you agree to hand the Crux of Ages over to him and leave the goblins alone, then he’ll give you “enough gold to last you the rest of your life.” You’ll have two ways to respond:

  • You can agree to the deal. For this case Gramuk will give you 83,510 gp and escort you out of the citadel. You’ll then travel to the west and buy a farm, and you’ll watch as the goblins take over Thaermore. That’s not a very exciting ending, which means…
  • You can turn down the deal. For this case Gramuk will summon a few Giant Arachnids, and he’ll start attacking you with spells. Gramuk isn’t too powerful in his goblin form, but when he “dies” he’ll turn into a Dirachnid, which has about 260 hit points. It might give you a few more problems, so be prepared with some potions on hand, and be sure to cast some buffing spells before you talk to Gramuk. When the Dirachnid dies, you’ll earn 2500 xp, and you’ll find a Silver Key on its corpse. The Silver Key will allow you to unlock the door right behind Gramuk (#17).

17 – Locked Door

This door has the toughest lock in the game. If you don’t feel like picking it, then you can always unlock it with the Silver Key (#16).

18 – Gramuk’s Chamber

In this chamber you’ll find two chests (one random, and one containing two Healing Elixirs III and two Mana Potions III), plus a random cabinet.

19 – Treasure Room

In this room you’ll discover seven chests containing lots of random loot, plus over 6500 gp.

$ – Random Treasure Chest

Local Exits

A – Exit to Western Crakamir

B – Stairs between Level 1 and Level 2

C – Portal to Bastion Spire

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

Articles: 530

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