Hive Queen – Eschalon: Book I Quest

In this guide we’ll show you how to complete the main quest Hive Queen.


eschalon book 1 map mq hivequeen

Points of Interest

  1. Lilith’s House
  2. Hive Queen

Local Exit

  1. Entrance to Whistling Cave


When you show Lilith (#1) the Strange Amulet, she’ll agree to tell you about it — provided you perform a task for her first. She’ll inform you that Hive Drones have been plaguing the area, but since she’s allergic to their stings, she can’t do anything about them. So she’ll ask you to track down the Hive Queen and kill it so the drones will go away.

You’ll encounter the Hive Queen (#2) in the Whistling Cave (Exit A), which is located in the Central Tangletree Forest. The queen is tough. She has 100 Hit Points, she hits hard, and she can paralyze you. But she can’t see in the dark. So you’ll have a much easier time if you use a spell for sight (like Cat’s Eyes) instead of a Torch or a Lantern. When the queen dies, she’ll drop the Hive Queen Stinger, and you’ll earn 500 xp.

When you show the stinger to Lilith, she’ll be pleased, and you’ll earn 500 xp. Lilith will then tell you that your amulet is “a very special key,” and that it unlocks Vault 26 in The Underground Repository located in the Blackwater Region. With this new knowledge in hand, the Strange Amulet will morph into Amulet Passkey 26.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

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