Vela – Eschalon: Book I Quest

In this guide we’ll show you how to complete the main quest Vela.


eschalon book 1 map mq vela

Points of Interest

  1. Taurax
  2. Torture Chamber


When you read the 3rd Sealed Note, you’ll learn that you found the Crux of Ages while scavenging a battlefield, and that to protect yourself from Gramuk and the other goblins searching for it, you had your memory erased. You’ll also learn that it was your former self who left these notes for you to find, which hopefully will allow you to use the Crux of Ages to thwart the goblins’ plans. Finally, you’ll discover that your brother had been helping you with the Crux, but that just before you erased your memory, he was captured by the goblins at Vela. You’ll now need to go and rescue him.

Vela is located to the west of the Tangletree Forest, past Baron’s Thicket. You’ll have to battle lots of goblins in Vela, including a bunch of Goblin Bombthugs, who will detonate themselves when they get next to you — if you let that sad event take place. So before heading to Vela, if you don’t have any sort of ranged attack, then it’s a good idea to get one. Bombthugs only have 15 hit points, so even a weak attack will do.

You’ll find your brother on the western side of Vela, in a torture chamber (#2) guarded by a creature called a Taurax (#1). You’ll earn 1000 xp when you get to your brother, and he’ll tell you that Gramuk is controlling the Chancellor’s mind and that the goblins are planning on taking over all of Thaermore. However, he’ll add that the goblins fear a wizard named Erubor who lives in Shadowmirk Tower, and he’ll recommend that you go there and warn him about what’s going on. Finally, your brother will reveal that he’s dying and in great pain, and he’ll ask you to end his life. You can do this or not, and nothing in the game will change.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

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