A Missing Disciple – Eschalon: Book II Quest

In this guide we’ll show you how to complete the side quest A Missing Disciple.


eschalon book 2 map amissingdisciple

Points of Interest

  1. Virtuous Covenant of Mosan
  2. Julian

Local Exit

  1. Entrance to the Convent’s Well


You’ll receive this quest from Father Tyrus in the Virtuous Covenant of Mosan in Eastwillow (Yoma River Valley).


Father Tyrus (#1) will tell you that a former disciple named Julian began preaching “lunatic prophecies” to the parishioners one day before eventually fleeing into the well behind the temple (Exit A). Tyrus will then give you a Bluish Key and ask you to track Julian down and “do Mosan’s bidding” when you find him. The Bluish Key will unlock the back door of the temple.

Inside the Convent’s Well, you’ll find Julian on the southern side (#2). When you talk to him there, no matter what you say, he’ll end up attacking you, and you’ll have to kill him. When Julian dies, you’ll find a Rusted Key (which will unlock two doors in the well), and you’ll earn 100 xp. Then when you return to Father Tyrus to tell him what happened, you’ll receive 150 gp and 500 xp.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

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