Hammerlorne Mine – Eschalon: Book II Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about Hammerlorne Mine, which is located inside Hammerlorne Mountain.


eschalon book 2 map hammerlornemine

Points of Interest

  1. Starting Point
  2. Powder Kegs
  3. Closed Gate / Lever
  4. Weak Wall / Treasure Chest
  5. Portal
  6. Portal
  7. Traps
  8. Lever / Gate
  9. Treasure Chest
  10. Treasure Chest
  11. Levers / Gates
  12. Treasure Room
  13. Dwarvish Gold Reserves
  14. Lord Moogdun’s Vault
  15. Well
  16. Gate / Lever
  17. Devilmander Trap
  18. Gate / Lever
  19. Crux of Fire

Local Exits

  1. Stairway
  2. Stairway
  3. Teleporter to Hammerlorne Grand Hall
  4. Two-Way Teleporter


Notable Loot


1 – Starting Point

This is where you’ll begin in the mine.

2 – Powder Kegs

You’ll find a few Powder Kegs scattered throughout the mine.

3 – Closed Gate / Lever

To open this gate (#3), you’ll need to pull a lever a ways to the west (#3a).

4 – Weak Wall / Treasure Chest

If you use a Powder Keg (#2) to break open the wall here, then you’ll discover a treasure chest right behind it. Inside the chest you’ll find a Potion of Invisibility II and Demon Oil III.

5 – Portal

If you take this portal (#5), then you’ll end up in a seemingly inescapable prison (#5a). To get out, you’ll need to head through an illusory wall on the eastern side (#5b), which will take you to a portal (#6) leading to a room filled with Sentinel Stalks (#6a).

6 – Portal

If you take this portal (#6), then you’ll end up in a room filled with Sentinel Stalks (#6a). To escape, you’ll need to head east through an illusory wall (in between the Torches). Sentinel Stalks can’t see in the dark, and they only have a limited range, so after escaping the room, you should be able to come back in, take the Torches (to make it darker), and then whittle away the stalks until you can loot the random treasure chest on the western side of the room ($).

7 – Traps

You’ll find several traps in this part of the mine.

8 – Lever / Gate

Pulling the lever here (#8) will open a gate to the west (#8a).

9 – Treasure Chest

In this locked and trapped treasure chest you’ll find the unique hammer Splitsunder.

10 – Treasure Chest

In this treasure chest you’ll find a Healing Elixir III and a Mana Potion III.

11 – Levers / Gates

Pulling the lever here (#11) will open a gate to the east (#11a). Pulling the lever just behind the gate will open up a gate to the north (#11b).

Note: Pulling the second lever (#11a) will cause some Skeleton Archers to appear in the middle of the map.

12 – Treasure Room

To get into this treasure room, you’ll need to use a Powder Keg (#2) to blast open the weak wall blocking your path. Inside the treasure room, you’ll discover three treasure chests. Two of them are random, but for the third you’ll have to figure out a combination lock. To do this, you’ll need to look at the plaque above the chest. You’ll learn that the code is 6XX9, and you’ll see a 4×4 grid of numbers. The code is the line that starts with 6 and ends with 9 (backwards). That is, the code is 6109. Inside the combination chest you’ll find a Rubescent Bell. See our Bells guide for information about what to do with it.

13 – Dwarvish Gold Reserves

There isn’t any way to enter this vault.

14 – Lord Moogdun’s Vault

In two of the chests in this vault, you’ll find a Diamond Chip, a Small Ruby, a Large Emerald, and some gp. The third chest is random.

15 – Well

16 – Gate / Lever

To open this gate, you’ll just need to pull the lever right next to it.

17 – Devilmander Trap

When you enter this chamber, the entrance gate (#16) will close behind you, and seven Devilmanders will attack you. To escape from the trap, you’ll need to pull four levers. Each lever will open a gate allowing you access to the next lever, and the last lever (located on the far western side) will open the entrance and exit gates.

18 – Gate / Lever

To open this gate, you’ll just need to pull either of the levers nearby.

19 – Crux of Fire

You’ll need to pick up the Crux of Fire for the main quest The Crux of Fire: Procure the Crux. After grabbing the crux, a few Dwarven Miners will spawn in the mine and try to prevent you from leaving.

$ – Random Treasure Chest

Local Exits

A – Stairway Between Levels 1 and 2

B – Stairway Between Levels 2 and 3

C – One-Way Teleporter to the Hammerlorne Grand Hall

To open the gate leading to the teleporter, you’ll just need to pull the lever right next to it.

D – Two-Way Teleporter

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

Articles: 530

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