Skills – Eschalon: Book II

During character creation, you’re allowed to pick one or more Skills for your character, and even increase your rank in them. You can also gain and improve Skills during the course of the game. Skills will help you in many ways during your journey, improving your ability to fight, cast spells, map your surroundings, detect traps, and more.

The 26 Skills are listed below.


The arcane skill of Alchemy deals with the production of potions and elixirs through the mixing of reagents and other ingredients. The higher your skill in Alchemy, the more potent a mixture you can create. Master Alchemists may also learn the process of applying these mixtures to weapons and armor, imbuing them with extra abilities.

Arcane, Divination

The arcane skill of Divination deals with magicks of the spiritual and organic realms, used most frequently by Healers and persons of the Druidic faith. The higher this skill is, the more powerful the Divination spells you can cast, and the lower your chance of spell failure during combat. Wisdom complements this skill.

Arcane, Elemental

The arcane skill of Elemental deals with magicks of the elemental realms: fire, earth, air and water. The higher this skill is, the more powerful the Elemental spells you can cast, and the lower your chance of spell failure during combat. Intelligence complements this skill.

Armor, Light

Light Armor encompasses the use of lightweight protection such as soft, hard and studded leathers. The more skilled you are with any armor, the less injury you take from physical attacks. Wearing Light Armor on your torso, legs or feet increases the noise of your movements by 15%, affecting your ability to move silently.

Armor, Heavy

Heavy Armor encompasses the use of heavyweight protection such as any armor fabricated from metal alloys. The more skilled you are with any armor, the less injury you take from physical attacks. Wearing Heavy Armor on your torso, legs or feet increases the noise of your movements by 30%, affecting your ability to move silently.

Armor, Shields

The Shield skill deals with the effective use of hand-held shields in combative situations. Beginning at skill level 10, using a shield will increase your chances of completely deflecting any attack.


Cartography is the ability to accurately map your surroundings as you explore. The on-screen automap does not work unless you have at least one point in the Cartography skill. The automap becomes more accurate and informative as your Cartography skill increases.


Dodge allows you to avoid being attacked through evasive actions, such as a carefully timed sidestep or a twist of your body. When you perform a successful dodge, your opponent is thrown off balance granting you a +10% ToHit probability on your follow-up attack. Dodge is a passive skill and is checked automatically each combat round. Your chance of successfully dodging any attack is 1% per point you have in the Dodge skill.


Foraging is a skill that is valuable to players who live off the land. A skilled Forager will have slowed hunger and thirst bars because they are able to scavenge for edible insects, drink the dew from leaves, and know where to find consumable items in even the harshest of environments. Furthermore, Foraging can be an important skill for Alchemists because every time you camp, you have a chance to find valuable regents growing naturally around your campsite.

Hide in Shadows

Hide in Shadows is the ability to utilize shadows and darkness to cover your movement. It is an automatic skill that is always active, and it grants the effect “Hidden in Shadows” if your character is in a darkened area. The higher the skill, the less darkness is required to successfully hide. Also, standing next to a wall or large object increases the effect.


Lore is the ability to identify any strange items you discover during your journeys. Intelligence complements this skill.


Medicine is the ability to dress wounds and utilize common herbs for faster recovery of Hit Points. It also increases your resistance to toxins and diseases.


Meditation is the ability to focus your mind to better resist the effects of magickal attacks and extreme elements such as heat and cold. It also allows you to restore your spent Mana Points at a faster rate.


Mercantile is the ability to negotiate better prices when buying and selling items from merchants. The higher the skill is, the more money you make.

Move Silently

Move Silently is a stealth skill that allows you to move without producing sound so you can avoid detection. The higher the skill is, the more it offsets the penalty imposed by wearing armor, and the closer you can approach enemies before they notice you. When no enemy can hear you moving, the effect “Silent” is displayed in the Effects window. Dexterity complements this skill.

Pick Locks

The Pick Locks skill is the ability to utilize lock picks to release locks on doors and chests. Dexterity complements this skill.


The Repair skill is the ability to repair weapons and armor in your inventory while you are camping. Initially, you will only be able to make small improvements to your currently equipped weapons and armor, but as you increase this skill, your repairs will become more thorough and efficient, allowing you to repair more items in your inventory during the time you spend camping.


Skullduggery is the mechanical understanding of traps and trickery, and the ability to effectively disarm them. Concentration complements this skill.

Spot Hidden

The Spot Hidden skill is the ability to passively detect hidden items, doors, traps and abnormalities. This skill is complemented by the Perception attribute.

Unarmed Combat

Unarmed Combat is the ability to attack a target using only your hands or feet, and inflict as much damage as you would if you were holding a blunt weapon. Strength and Speed are the attributes that complement this skill. Beginning at skill level 10, you have a chance of performing “Fury Strike,” hitting a target (creature or object) with 4X normal damage.

Weapon, Bludgeoning

Bludgeoning weapons include staves, maces, hammers, clubs and similar blunt-force weapons. They work equally well at bashing in chests as well as skulls, and they are the most durable of all weapons. Bludgeoning weapons are considered melee devices, and as such Strength and Speed complement this skill. Beginning at skill level 10, you have a chance of performing a “Devastating Blow,” striking a target (creature or object) with 2X normal damage and permanently reducing the target’s Armor Rating by 50%.

Weapon, Bows

Bow weapons include any variation of archery devices that utilize arrows. Concentration and Dexterity are the attributes that complement the Bows skill. Beginning at skill level 10, you gain “Intense Focus,” which allows for precision strikes causing 3X normal damage.

Weapon, Cleaving

Cleaving weapons include axes, machetes, and similar chopping weapons. They are all durable and dependable. Cleaving weapons are considered melee devices, and as such Strength and Speed complement this skill. Beginning at skill level 10, you have a chance of performing “Great Cleave,” striking not only your primary target but adjacent targets as well.

Weapon, Piercing

Piercing weapons include knives, daggers and spears. Generally speaking, Piercing weapons do not produce as much damage as other weapons, but they are lighter and allow you the opportunity to strike multiple times. The Piercing Weapons skill is complemented by Dexterity and Speed. Beginning at skill level 10, you have a chance of performing a “Double Strike,” hitting your target two separate times per attack round.

Weapon, Swords

Swords include all forms of medium to long-bladed, single or double-handed weapons. Note that short swords are considered true Swords and not Piercing Weapons. While Swords can be very effective weapons, they require more maintenance than a simple hammer or axe to remain useful. Swords are considered melee weapons and as such Strength and Speed complement this skill. Beginning at skill level 10, you have a chance of performing a “Masterful Riposte.” This is a guaranteed strike, and also includes perfect parrying of all enemy attacks in the following round. Parried enemies suffer riposte damage equivalent to the Sword’s base damage.

Weapon, Thrown

Thrown Weapons include special knives, hatchets and spears designed to be hurled at targets. Thrown Weapons generally cause more damage to a target than other ranged weapons (such as arrows) due to heavier weight and additional inertia, and, unlike Bows, Thrown Weapons can be used while holding a torch or shield. The down side is that Thrown Weapons are heavier in your inventory and cost more per unit than arrows. Strength and Dexterity are the attributes that complement the Thrown Weapons skill. Beginning at skill level 10, you gain the ability of “Overwhelming Volley,” allowing for up to eight weapons to be thrown at once, showering your target and adjacent tiles.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

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