Lair of the Emayu Witch – Eschalon: Book III Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about the Lair of the Emayu Witch, which is located in the Elderoak Forest.


eschalon book 3 map lairoftheemayuwitch

Points of Interest

  1. Traps
  2. Coffins
  3. Closed Gate
  4. Chest
  5. Lever
  6. Gate
  7. Gate
  8. Stew Pot
  9. Green Ceramic Jar
  10. Gates
  11. Hallway
  12. Levers
  13. Treasure Room
  14. Desk
  15. Locked Door
  16. Fixed Gate
  17. Locked Door
  18. Secret Area
  19. Lever / Baizel
  20. Sacred Pool / Ulgolek’s Roots
  21. Condensing Vessel
  22. Window

Local Exits

  1. Entrance from Elderoak Forest (South)
  2. Two-way teleporter
  3. Two-way teleporter
  4. Two-way teleporter
  5. Exit to Elderoak Forest (North)
  6. Entrance from Elderoak Forest (North)


Notable Loot


  • Secret Area (#18)
  • Strength Stew (#8)


1 – Traps

You’ll have to watch out for traps in this part of the lair. You can avoid them (if necessary) by staying next to the walls.

2 – Coffins

You’ll find some random loot in the coffins here.

3 – Closed Gate

To open this gate, you’ll need to shoot the Powder Keg on the other side. The explosion will toggle the lever around the corner.

4 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find a Copper Key and a Potion of Ogre Strength. The key will unlock a door deeper in the lair (#17).

5 – Lever

Pulling this lever will open the gate to the west (#7).

6 – Gate

To open this gate, you’ll need to head over to the window in the room to the west (which will require you to open the gate at #7) and shoot the lever in the room beyond.

7 – Gate

To open this gate, you’ll need to pull a nearby lever (#5).

8 – Stew Pot

When you click on the stew pot here, you’ll see that it’s filled with “spicy, red stew.” If you take a sip, then you’ll gain +2 strength, but you might also get poisoned.

9 – Green Ceramic Jar

You’ll find Troll Teeth in the jar here. You’ll need the teeth for the quest The Teeth that Bite.

10 – Gates

To raise and lower the gates here, you’ll need to use the two pressure plates in front of them. The pressure plate farthest from the gates will toggle the first gate, while the other pressure plate will toggle both gates. So use the first pressure plate (if needed) to put the gates in the same position, and then use the second pressure plate until both gates are lowered.

11 – Hallway

When you step onto the pressure plates in this hallway, you’ll open up cells on either side, releasing Skeleton Archers. If you’re feeling daring, you can run through the hallway to the levers in the room beyond (#12). Pulling the levers will release Fused Powder Kegs, which will probably take out most of the skeletons when they blow up. If you’re feeling more cautious, then you can just creep through the hallway, killing the pairs of archers as they’re released.

12 – Levers

Pulling the levers here will release Fused Powder Kegs near the entrance to the room. This is one of the ways to deal with the Skeleton Archers from the previous hallway.

13 – Treasure Room

Inside this room you’ll find a locked and trapped random chest, a chest containing a Spooky Key and some gp, and a red ceramic jar containing a Bar of Mithril (which for some reason is one of the more difficult things in the game to identify). The Spooky Key will unlock a door in the lair (#15).

14 – Desk

On the desk here you’ll find the recipe for Potions of Invisibility. Near the desk but hidden by the wall, you can also loot a pair of barrels.

15 – Locked Door

The Spooky Key (#13) will unlock this door.

16 – Fixed Gate

There isn’t any way to open the gate here.

17 – Locked Door

This door has a rank 8 lock. The Copper Key (#4) will get you through.

18 – Secret Area

To open the gate to this secret area, you’ll need to shoot the lever visible through the nearby window (#22). Inside the secret area, you’ll find a (good) random chest.

19 – Lever / Baizel

This lever will toggle some nearby gates, but when you pull it Baizel will teleport into the room. She won’t care too much about you, but if you approach the condensing vessel (#21) or call her a “vile witch,” then she’ll attack you. You’ll earn 1000 xp for killing Baizel.

20 – Sacred Pool / Ulgolek’s Roots

21 – Condensing Vessel

If you bash the vessel in this room, then you’ll thwart Baizel’s plans, and you’ll earn 2000 xp. You’ll also receive an Ulgolek Branch from Ulgolek when you exit the lair (assuming you use Exit F). The branch isn’t useful for anything, but you can always sell it.

22 – Window

Local Exits

A – Entrance from Elderoak Forest (South)

B – Two-way Teleporter

You’ll get attacked by three Skeleton Marauders when you go through the teleporter. This will probably be a tough fight. For best results, don’t move from the teleporter at the destination. This will allow you to fight until you get too badly damaged, at which point you can skip your turn (by pressing the spacebar), which will cause you to teleport back to the starting point, where you can rest up.

C – Two-way Teleporter

D – Two-way Teleporter

E – Exit to Elderoak Forest (North)

F – Entrance from Elderoak Forest (North)

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.

Articles: 530

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