How To Start An Elder Scrolls Online Guild: Top 10 Tips

Ten essential tips on how to start an Elder Scrolls Online guild.

The social aspects of MMORPG games is what sets them apart from standalone video games. True, in most online games you can still have a great first person experience, but it’s the opportunity to interact and game with like-minded players from around the world that truly makes MMORPGs shine.

The Elder Scrolls Online is no exception, and opportunities abound to game with others. There are temporary team ups (clearing dungeons, XP grinding, one-on-one trading, etc.), and the ability to join or form your own guilds.

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How To Start An Elder Scrolls Online Guild

Guilds are an exciting aspect of ESO, because they allow gamers to join a far larger group of players with like-minded goals. Guilds are like a special club that you get to join. Not only are they social, but guilds make it easier to work with others and have fun in the process.

If you’re not satisfied with simply joining a guild, The Elder Scrolls Online makes it possible to start your very own. The process can be intimidating, and Tamriel is littered with dead guilds that have failed to attract members. That said, there are tons of thriving guilds in the game.

So if you’re looking for a challenge and not afraid of a bit of hard work, follow these top 10 tips and learn how to start an Elder Scrolls Online guild of your very own. Success awaits you!

Tip #1: Have A Purpose

In many ways, having a clear purpose is the most important tip in starting an Elder Scrolls Online guild. Sure, anyone can create a guild by simply pressing the G key to open the Guild menu, and pressing E to create it, but you want to attract players. To do so, your guild needs a clear, singular purpose. Are you all about PVE, PVP, raiding, trading? Maybe your guild is about role playing, or relaxing socialization. You’ll find better success and attract like-minded players if your guild has a defined purpose. The more specific the better.

Tip #2: Plan Small And Dream Big

When you start an Elder Scrolls Online guild you can have up to 500 members. That’s a lot of players, and even the largest, most organized outfits struggle from time to time with maintaining a full roster. There’s nothing wrong with dreaming about a huge guild mind you, but don’t fool yourself — growing a membership takes times and patience. A better approach is to plan small. Shoot for a guild with 10 or 20 loyal members. It may not sound like a lot, but as time goes by, your guild will grow. As the roster increases, you can set your sights higher if you’d like.

Tip #3: Recruit Intelligently

When recruiting for guild members, you’ll want to do so intelligently. Whatever you do, don’t randomly invite players without asking. Not only is this tacky and spam-like, you won’t be targeting the players that will become good guildies. Remember Tip #1? When your guild has a purpose, you’ll attract like-minded players. Feel free to advertise your guild in Zone chat (just don’t overdo it), but make sure to emphasize what makes your guild special and unique. Tell Tamriel who you are, and what you can offer. Also, be sure to post your guild in the ESO section here. Give players a reason to join up with others of a similar play style, and they will come.

Tip #4: Give Players A Reason To Play Together

Ever go to a party where everyone is just milling around, picking at their food and not interacting with one another? Lame, isn’t it. Well, you don’t want your guild to be like this, or you’ll lose members faster than Molag Bal losing Dark Anchors. Instead, aim to create a fun, social environment for your guildies. Welcome new members and make them feel at home. Ask questions of the entire group to engage conversation. Get your members to know one another, and remember to stay true to your guild’s purpose. If you’re raiding, plan and organize raids together. If you’re into role playing, host special events. Sponsor auctions, raffles, contests — you name it. If your members are given opportunities to interact with one another and feel valued, they’ll stick around.

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Tip #5: Be Involved Personally

When you start an Elder Scrolls Online guild, you really need to be involved personally. As the Guildmaster (GM), this means you need to be online on a regular basis — ideally each and everyday. You’re the face of the guild after all, and your members depend on you for leadership, direction, and inspiration. You can’t expect guildies to be active if it appears you lack commitment and interest to the cause.

Tip #6: Don’t Be A Hero

When you start an Elder Scrolls Online guild, you’re filled with a sense of excitement and expectation. Soon though, you realize that maintaining a successful guild takes a lot of work and time. Just like in real life, it’s nearly impossible to do everything on your own, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.

The best way to do so is to create guild ranks and give a handful of dedicated players officer positions. Officers will help to sustain an active, social guild through leadership and organization. As an added benefit, guild ranks will give new recruits something to aspire to. Large tasks become much smaller when shared among active players dedicated to the guild and its purpose.

Tip #7: Don’t Be Heavy-Handed

Just like any social club, guilds need rules. As soon as you start an Elder Scrolls Online guild, you should define your policies — just be sure not to be too heavy-handed. Remember, gamers who play ESO are looking primarily to have fun. Unrealistic kicking or trading policies can kill a guild’s vibe, causing frustration and players to seek membership elsewhere. You can set whatever policies you feel best for your group (it’s your guild after all). In general though, always remember to be reasonable and fair when creating and enforcing rules. Your guildies will appreciate it.

Tip #8: Get A Website Or Facebook Page

A website or Facebook page is a great way to advertise your guild to prospective members, and also provides a special place for guildies to interact with one another outside of the game. Not a webmaster? No worries. You can create an awesome looking guild site at for free. No programming required. In a like manner, you can create a Facebook page at no cost. As an example, take a look at the FB page for the guild More Than Fair.

Tip #9: Get TeamSpeak

While not necessary for some guild types, TeamSpeak is essential for others — namely guilds with a focus on PVP and raiding. Basically, TeamSpeak is software that allows players to communicate with each other via microphone headsets. Obviously, not having to type in Chat is huge advantage when it comes to coordinating battle tactics with guildies.

Setting up TeamSpeak (TS) is a somewhat involved process and is outside the scope of this article. That said, you basically need to install the TeamSpeak software and signup with a hosting provider for a server. The software is free, but a server will cost money (most hosts charge monthly based on the number of “slots” or users able to access TS; prices vary, but the charge for 10 slots can be as little as $4.00 per month). There are a number of hosts who cater to the gaming crowd and TS, so you should shop around for a reputable and affordable host. An easy-to-follow guide to using TeamSpeak can be found here.

Tip #10: Just Have Fun

When you start an Elder Scrolls Online guild, you’re ultimately doing so to have fun. Never lose sight of this. In many ways this tip incorporates what we already talked about in Tip#4, giving players a reason to play together. Sure, you want to create an entertaining, social environment for your guildies, but you also need to make sure that you’re having fun as the GM. ESO guilds can be a lot of work, but as long as you’re having a good time and looking forward to hanging with friends whose company you truly enjoy, the entire process will be worthwhile and your guild will find success.

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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