Elder Scrolls Online Heavy Armor Revealed

In a recent Tweet, Bethesda Softworks revealed new heavy armor styles for the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online game. While certain Hold guards believe that it’s smart to be lightly armored and light on your feet, there’s something reassuring about donning a set of heavy armor to bash skulls. This reassurance will definitely come into play for ESO gamers deciding to take the role of the “tank,” soaking up damage and drawing attacks from party members.

Elder Scrolls Online Heavy Armor

Previously, ZeniMax Online Studios revealed heavy armor styles for High Elves, Nords, and Bretons (click here for HD wallpaper showcasing the Elder Scrolls Online heavy armor). From the recent Tweet, we learn that the new heavy armor styles are for the beast races of Argonians, Orcs, and Khajiit. According to the official Elder Scrolls Online website, gamers can depend on finding better and stronger armor throughout the course of the game, as well as having the ability to craft armor (and weapons) in different racial styles.

Heavy Armor Concept Art

Elder Scrolls Online Heavy Armor big

The newly released concept art is illustrated in the same beautiful style as before, with armored characters superimposed on a parchment background with faction crests above the right shoulder. Here are my initial impression of the new Elder Scrolls Online heavy armor:

  • skyrim orc armor
    Orc heavy armor 1.0

    The Orc heavy armor looks similar to the Orc armor we’re well acquainted with from Skyrim, complete with pointy upturned boots and distinctive open-faced helm. The Orc armor 2.0 looks slightly more intimidating however, with more shielding in the legs and embossed face on the chest.

  • The Argonian heavy armor appears to be some form of scale armor, decorated with polished stones and gilded highlights. The scaled plates and turtle-shaped shield do a fantastic job capturing the reptillian nature of the Argonians.
  • imperial heavy armor
    Some similarities…

    The Khajiit heavy armor appears to be the most elaborate, complete with red and gold highlights and smooth, flowing lines. In some ways, the armor is reminiscent of Skyrim’s Imperial armor, but the similarities end with the inclusion of a sculpted, cat-faced helm.

Final Thoughts

So what do you think? Do you like the new Elder Scrolls Online heavy armor? Why or why not? Share you opinions in the Speak Your Mind section below, and be sure to check out our previous Skyrim Fansite article on the best Elder Scrolls Online character class.


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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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