Elder Scrolls Online Holiday Card

elder scrolls online holiday cardThings sure get crazy around the holidays. The crowds, the noise, the shopping — it’d be enough to send the Dragonborn scampering off to High Hrothgar for a little peace and quiet. To make matters worse, I chose the holidays to start building a new gaming PC to gear up for the April release of The Elder Scrolls Online. I’m excited about ESO, but building a new rig during the holiday season is akin to driving in rush hour traffic in Chicago with a dirty windshield and no brakes. Yeah, it’s that stressful. And yeah, I’ll never do it again…

This morning as I wrapped presents, listening to Feliz Navidad for the millionth time, my postal carrier stopped by the house and delivered something completely unexpected that took the edge off the stress I was feeling. No, I didn’t receive a bottle of Black-Briar Mead or Skooma in the mail (though I suppose either would have taken the edge off stress). Rather, I received a holiday card from ZeniMax Online. I’m sure many other ESO fans received a card in the mail, and I think it’s awesome that ZeniMax made such a cool gesture.

Elder Scrolls Online Holiday Card

elder scrolls online holiday card 1As you can see by the pictures I posted, the Elder Scrolls Online holiday card features a jazzed up rendition of the ESO logo complete with multicolored Christmas lights, reindeer antlers, and Santa hat and beard. The logo is superimposed on a very un-holiday like, but extremely cool black background. The inside of the card is unsigned, but reads Happy Holidays with the ZeniMax Online logo blazoned underneath.

elder scrolls online holiday card 2Like I said, the delivery of the card was completely unexpected and I have to say, very much appreciated. Through the entire process of bringing ESO to life, ZeniMax Online has been a class act, and has really involved the Elder Scrolls fan-base right from the start. Beta tests, live demos, frequent updates, and now an Elder Scrolls Online holiday card? Brilliant!

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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