Elder Scrolls Online on PlayStation Vita?

elder scrolls online on playstation vitaWe’re less than a week away before the official PlayStation 4 release, and a lot of gamers are getting excited. According to our latest Skyrim Fansite poll, 45% of respondents are planning to update their game system to the PS4. If you’re an Elder Scrolls fan however, you’ll need to wait patiently a few more months before the Elder Scrolls Online will be available for your next-gen system. It’s hard to believe that it was only June of this year when Bethesda announced that the Elder Scrolls Online would be made available for console gamers…

Console Controversy

While Bethesda’s decision to release ESO for the PS4 and Xbox One was generally well received, the news didn’t come without a measure of controversy. Namely, whether catering to consoles would dilute ESO features and hurt the game’s chances of success. Controversy notwithstanding, Bethesda’s Pete Hines gave assurances in an IGN interview that the game experience for console and PC gamers would look and feel the same. If this is the case, ESO will hopefully take advantage of the massive success of Skyrim and provide a compelling and familiar way for console gamers to explore Tamriel MMORPG-style.

Play Elder Scrolls Online On Playstation Vita

One of the more interesting features of the PlayStation 4 is the PS4 Link. The PS4 Link will allow certain PS4 games to be played wirelessly on the PlayStation Vita handheld device. This feature will also allow the Vita to be used as a second screen for some games as well. As brilliant as the idea of linking console and portable device is, not all games will be able to take full advantage of the remote play and second screen capabilities that PS4 Link provides.

So what about ESO? Will it be possible to play Elder Scrolls Online on PlayStation Vita? Though there hasn’t been any official word from either PlayStation or Bethesda, the idea of playing ESO on a portable device isn’t outside the realm of possibility. Supposedly all PS4 games will be able to take advantage of linking with the exception of games that require the PlayStation Camera and PlayStation Move peripheral devices (neither of which are required for ESO). While the idea of using the Vita to remotely play Elder Scrolls online has a certain appeal, until an announcement is made, we just won’t know for certain.

Final Thoughts

Would you consider playing Elder Scrolls Online on PlayStation Vita, or is the idea of using a portable device to play a MMORPG just ridiculous? Share your thoughts in the Speak Your Mind section below, and be sure to check out our latest Elder Scrolls Online wallpaper for all your electronic devices, including the PS Vita.

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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