Free Elder Scrolls Online Guide July 4th

free elder scrolls online guide featured

Mark your calendars! KillerGuides is giving away a free Elder Scrolls Online guide for one day only on the 4th of July.

Just a heads up for Elder Scrolls Online fans. KillerGuides is giving away their Elder Scrolls Online Leveling Guide for free on July 4th. For the entire day fans can visit KillerGuides here and download the leveling guide for free by simply clicking the download button.

According to the promo information sent to the Skyrim Fansite:

This year, make the Fourth of July more memorable for your visitors. Give them something more than the usual parade and fireworks. Give your visitors the chance to power level for free! On July 4, 2014, we are making Elder Scrolls Online Leveling Guide free to download for 1 whole day. There is no contest to join, all they have to do is go to our ESO Leveling Guide page on and click the download button (which will appear only on that day). Easy as that.

Free Elder Scrolls Online Guide

free Elder Scrolls Online guide

The free Elder Scrolls Online guide normally sells for $39.99, so it’s pretty cool that KillerGuides is giving away the 165 page downloadable PDF for nada. The publishing company claims that the Leveling Guide will help players reach level 50 in 4 days or less by following their proven step-by-step guidelines. Honestly, this would be quite an accomplishment, and I’m really not certain how this is even possible (4 days is an awfully short amount of time). Safe to say I’m very interested in seeing what the guide has to offer, even though I’m perfectly satisfied in taking my time to level up.

RELATED: The Best Elder Scrolls Online Race

Other highlights from the free Elder Scrolls Online guide include:

  • Tested builds for all classes (PvP and PvE)
  • Info on crafting superior gear
  • Strategies for making gold
  • PvP advice to make you a better player
  • Info on the best leveling zones and dungeons.

More Elder Scrolls Online Guides

Besides the Leveling Guide, KillerGuides sells other Elder Scrolls Online guides. These guides are not included in the free promotion:

  • ESO Crafting Guide
  • ESO Dragonknight Guide
  • ESO Gold Guide
  • ESO Nightblade Guide
  • ESO PvP Guide
  • ESO Sorcerer Guide
  • ESO Templar Guide

More information about these guides can be found here.

Full disclosure: KillerGuides is an advertiser on our site, so if you decide to purchase one of the ESO Guides the Skyrim Fansite makes money from the sale. At this time, none of our staff members have personally reviewed any of the guides, so we cannot recommend them. Before making a purchase please do your own due diligence, but by all means please take advantage of the free Elder Scrolls Online guide being graciously offered this July 4th!

UPDATE 7/4/14: One of our Facebook fans notified us that the download button wasn’t appearing (thanks Tom!). It seems there may be some sort of glitch on the KillerGuides’ website. The button did appear for me, but not on a second computer I have… Obviously, this is problematic,  but I found a workaround to get the button to appear.

If the download button doesn’t appear for you on the ESO Leveling Guide page, do the following:

  1. Go to the KillerGuides’ “Contact Us” page here and submit a support ticket (make sure to fill out a name, an email address, and every field that has a red asterisk).
  2. Fill in the CAPTCHA text and click the “Create Ticket” button.
  3. Go back to the ESO Leveling Guide page and refresh your browser. The red instant download button will now appear as pictured below:

free eso guide download button

This is a wonky workaround, but it works. I’ve contacted KillerGuides and notified them of the problem, but I don’t know if they’ll be able to correct matters before the free promotion ends. From the promo email the company sent us and the info on their site, I have to believe that the lack of a download button is an unintentional glitch (the entire download process was originally touted as being easy with no strings attached, and no mention of supplying an email address, creating an account, etc). If you’re uncomfortable using your real name or a legit email address in the “Contact Us” workaround, use a fake one. It works the same.

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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