PlayStation Plus Is Not Needed for Elder Scrolls Online

playstation plus is not needed for elder scrolls online

Despite all the controversy regarding The Elder Scrolls Online subscription requirement, there’s some good news for PlayStation 4 gamers. On Tuesday, Matt Firor, Game Director for ZeniMax Online Studios, confirmed that PlayStation Plus is not needed for Elder Scrolls Online. Firor gave a written statement on the PlayStation blog, further clarifying that PS4 gamers only have to pay the monthly ESO subscription fee and nothing more.

PlayStation Plus Is Not Needed for Elder Scrolls Online

This is welcome news for PS4 gamers who feared that a PlayStation Plus membership was needed in addition to the ESO subscription fee of $14.99 a month. PlayStation Plus costs $49.99, and membership is typically required for PS4 players to game online. Not so with the latest Elder Scrolls game:

A PlayStation Plus membership is not required to play The Elder Scrolls Online. PS4 players will only be required to pay the same monthly subscription associated with The Elder Scrolls Online that PC and Mac users will pay–nothing more. – Matt Firor

The Elder Scrolls Online on PS4

In his PlayStation Blog article, Firor also answered a few other questions regarding The Elder Scrolls Online for PS4. Here’s a quick synopsis:

  • PS4 gamers will play ESO on two separate megaservers — one located in Europe, and one located in North America.
  • PC and Mac players will not be on the same megaservers as PS4 players.
  • Developers are still testing different DualShock 4 button mapping configurations, including touchpad use. Specifics will be shared later in the year, but a fun “on the couch” game experience with the controller is planned.
  • The PS4 HDD will have plenty of space for The Elder Scrolls Online and post-launch game content.
  • Gameplay in ESO isn’t identical to Skyrim, but there will be a lot of controller configuration similarities.
  • ESO was designed to be played with others or alone. Some areas are made to be played with friends though.
  • No exact date given for a PS4 beta, but there will be an exclusive beta later in the year.

What About Xbox One Players?

We now know that PlayStation Plus is not needed for Elder Scrolls Online, but there is still no official word as to whether or not Xbox One players will be required to pay Xbox Live fees. Bethesda is apparently still working with Microsoft to avoid an XBL requirement. It goes without saying that gamers are hoping that an agreement will be reached soon. Stay tuned!


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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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