Protect Your Elder Scrolls Online Account

Protect Your Elder Scrolls Online Account Featured

Protect your Elder Scrolls Online account! A recent warning indicates that scammers are posing as in-game support personnel phishing for account information.

When logging into my Elder Scrolls Online account over the last week or so, I’ve noticed an announcement warning players about scammers impersonating in-game support personnel:

There have been reports of people impersonating official ZeniMax Online Studios in-game support employees and asking our players suspicious account-related questions.

Regrettably, we live in an age where spammers, scammers, and hackers prowl the internet like filthy skeevers looking to prey on the innocent and unsuspecting. You wouldn’t think it, but an innocent game like The Elder Scrolls Online isn’t immune to attacks by the bad guys.

RELATED: Elder Scrolls Online Spam: Can It Be Stopped?

Protect Your Elder Scrolls Online Account

Protect Your Elder Scrolls Online Account

Personally, I haven’t come across any fake employees or GMs in my travels throughout Tamriel. While this is a good thing, I’m still mindful of the danger. Using a little common sense and the following helpful tips provided by the game developers, I should be able to protect myself sufficiently:

  1. Never login to any other website with ESO credentials.
  2. Never share an account or password with other people.
  3. Contact Customer Support directly by typing /help in the Chat Box if anything seems suspicious.

The devs assure us that the ESO Support Team will never approach players in-game asking to make changes or activate accounts. Furthermore, players will never be asked to provide passwords or personal information.

Basically, if we’re approached by someone claiming to be a ZeniMax employee or GM in-game asking for personal information and/or requesting us to click on links to login to our accounts, it’s a scam. Report and ignore immediately.

For more information on Elder Scrolls Online account security, please refer to the official game support page here.

Final Thoughts

Have you ever been approached by a fake Elder Scrolls Online employee or GM in-game? If so, what have you done about it? Share your experience with your fellow gamers in the Speak Your Mind section below. Until next time!

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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