The Elder Scrolls Legends To Be Released This Year

Bethesda is releasing The Elder Scrolls Legends later this year.

Get ready, Elder Scrolls fans. At tonight’s E3 2015 Showcase, Bethesda revealed that their biggest franchise is going mobile with the release of The Elder Scrolls Legends — a brand new strategy card game to be released later this year.

RELATED: Watch Bethesda E3 2015 Press Conference Live

The Elder Scrolls Legends

While there was no gameplay shown at the the press release, Bethesda confirmed that The Elder Scrolls Legends will be free-to-play. The game will be steeped in Elder Scrolls lore and history, and marks the first time Bethesda is making a push to compete directly with games like Hearthstone.

The digital card game was announced for both PC and the iPad. No release date was given for Android, but it’s a sure bet that the game will be made available at some point.

Check out the E3 reveal trailer below, and let us know what you think about this new Elder Scrolls gaming genre.

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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