Transfer Your Elder Scrolls Online Account To Console

Transfer your Elder Scrolls Online account to console? Eligible players can now begin the process.

It’s been a long time coming, but The Elder Scrolls Online is finally coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles. The big release date is June 9, 2015, so be sure to mark your calendars. Originally, the game’s console release was to take place in June 2014. Challenges in integrating The Elder Scrolls Online with next-gen consoles and their unique networks squelched the release for 12 whole months.

RELATED: ESO Delay For Xbox One And PS4

Transfer Your Elder Scrolls Online Account To Console

Due to the delay, ZeniMax Online Studios (ZOS) made it possible for PC players to pay $20 in order to be able to transfer their Elder Scrolls Online accounts to console. In an official announcement from last May, ZOS declared:

We know that the news of an ESO console delay is as disappointing to many of you as it is to us. We want to do what we can to make it up to our fans who want to start playing now, so we have worked out the following arrangement with Sony and Microsoft:

Via a special offer, anyone who purchases and activates the PC/Mac version of The Elder Scrolls Online by 6/30/14 (11:59pm UTC) will have the opportunity to transfer their character(s) to either console version when they are released. The offer will allow you to begin playing immediately on the PC/Mac, and then add the PS4 or Xbox One version and transfer the character(s) you have created and developed. And, you don’t have to pay full price for the game twice. For $20, eligible PC and Mac players will have the option to add a full, digital version of ESO on either the PS4 or the Xbox One with your character transfer(s), and another 30 days of included game time.

The offer was a way to allow console gamers to at least start their adventures in Tamriel until things could be worked out for the Xbox One and PS4.

How To Transfer

ZOS recently sent emails to all players eligible to transfer their Elder Scrolls Online accounts to console. If you purchased and activated the PC/Mac version of ESO by June of last year, you should have received an email titled: Transfer Your PC/Mac Account to Consoles!”

Note: If you haven’t received your email yet, make sure you’re checking the email address of the account you registered the game with; also, check your spam folder — the email was sent from If all else fails you should contact Support here.

The email gives instructions on how to transfer your Elder Scrolls Online account to console. You need to:

  1. Log in to your eligible Elder Scrolls Online account,
  2. Click here to pre-purchase The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited for Console (will only cost you $20).
  3. Make sure you follow the above two steps within 30 days from April 9 — after this time period, you’ll no longer be able to pre-purchase the game or transfer your account,
  4. Wait until June 9, 2015 when the game’s console version is released. An email will be sent with a digital game code and instructions on how to copy your account from PC/Mac to console.

MUST READ: ESO Tiger Mount To Be Awarded To Core Players

Final Thoughts

So how about it, fellow travelers — do you plan to transfer your Elder Scrolls Online account to console? Why or why not? Share your thoughts and opinions in the Speak Your Mind section below, and let us know your feelings on this subject.


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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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