Level 1 – Eye of the Beholder

This guide will help you navigate Level 1 of Eye of the Beholder, otherwise known as the Upper Sewers.

Level 1 Map

level 01 573

Area Overview


  • You should keep all of the Daggers you find on this level (they’re dropped by Kobolds). You’ll need four of them on Level 2.


Notable Loot

  • Dart +2 (#10)
  • Guinsoo +4 (#14)
  • Halfling Bones (#3)
  • Shield (#13)

Special Quest

  • Dagger Offering (#14)

1 – Starting Point

This is where you’ll begin in the game. You won’t be able to return to the dungeon entrance; rubble (#2) will block the way. You’ll find two Rocks here. It’s always a good idea to keep some Rocks around in case you need them for pressure plates, throwing puzzles, or Slings.

2 – Rubble

3 – Halfling Bones

These are the bones of the thief Tod Uphill. If you visit the Dwarven Cleric on Level 5, then you’ll be able to resurrect Tod and add him to your party.

4 – Water Flow Control

This spot controls the flow of water in the sewers. If you head east, then you’ll cause two walls to appear (#5). If you head north, then you’ll cause two different walls to appear (#6). You’ll still be able to explore the entire map either way.

5 – Water Control Walls

These two walls will appear if you head east from the Water Flow Control point (#4).

6 – Water Control Walls

These two walls will appear if you head north from the Water Flow Control point (#4).

7 – Rations

You’ll find Rations in these places.

8 – Pressure Plate

Standing on the pressure plate here will cause the door to the south to open. To keep the door open, you’ll need to drop an item (like a Rock) onto the ground here.

9 – Secret Button

Pressing the secret button here (on the eastern wall) will remove the wall to the north.

10 – Dart +2

You’ll find a Dart +2 on the ground here.

11 – Secret Button

Pressing the secret button here (on the western wall) will open the wall to the north.

12 – Door

The button to open this door will appear on the northern side of the door (if you went north at #4), or on the southern side of the door (if you went east at #4).

13 – Shield

You’ll find a Shield on the ground here.

14 – Shelf

In the shelf here, you’ll find a Mage Scroll of Armor and a Cleric Scroll of Bless. After taking the scrolls, if you place a Dagger into the shelf, then you’ll complete the Special Quest for this level, and you’ll receive the dagger Guinsoo +4.

15 – Arrow

You’ll find an Arrow on the ground here.

16 – Door

To open this door, you’ll need to weigh down the nearby pressure plate and press the nearby button (to the south).


  1. Ladder down to Level 2.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

Articles: 10018

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