Level 3 – Eye of the Beholder

This guide will help you navigate Level 3 of Eye of the Beholder, otherwise known as the Lower Sewers.

Level 3 Map

level 03 573

Area Overview


Notable Loot

  • Backstabber +3 (#9)
  • Chainmail (#29)
  • Human Bones (#20)
  • Long Sword (#20)
  • Shield (#16, #29)

Special Quest

  • Cat Eyes (#25)

1 – Spinners

These squares will rotate you by 180 degrees. You’ll feel dizzy when you leave them.

2 – Silver Key

You’ll find a Silver Key on the ground here.

3 – Flind

Somewhere round here, you’ll encounter a Flind. It will drop a Silver Key when it dies.

4 – Teleporter

If you travel east from here (#4), then you’ll get sent to the eastern side of the tunnel (#4a).

5 – Button / Scroll

If you push the button on the western wall here (#5), then you’ll remove the nearby moveable wall, which will grant you access to a Cleric Scroll of Cause Light Wounds (#5a).

6 – Silver Keyholes

You’ll need Silver Keys (#2, #3) to unlock the three metal plates here. Here’s what you’ll find behind them:

  • Behind the eastern and western plates, you’ll find a red button. When you press it, a Kuo-Toa will appear behind you. It’ll drop a Silver Key when it dies.
  • Behind the middle plate, you’ll find a blue button. When you press it, the moveable wall behind it will disappear.

You’ll also find an Arrow on the ground next to the middle plate.

7 – Hidden Pressure Plate

Stepping here will cause a pit to appear to the west.

8 – Mage Scroll

You’ll find a Mage Scroll of Detect Magic on the ground here.

9 – Treasure

On the ground here, you’ll find a Red Gem and the dagger Backstabber +3.

10 – Locked Door

There are two silver keyholes for this door, but you’ll only need to unlock one of them to open the door. If you use the keyhole just to the north, then two Kuo-Toa will spawn nearby. If you use the keyhole two squares to the south, then nothing will spawn. Either way, you’ll encounter a Kuo-Toa in the room behind the door.

11 – Potions

At this spot, you’ll find a Potion of Healing and a Potion of Extra Healing.

12 – Locked Door / Pit Puzzle Room

To open the door here, you’ll need to place a Red Gem (#19) into the compartment next to it. Beyond the door, you’ll discover a large room filled with pressure plates and pits. What you’ll need to do in the room is walk onto the correct pressure plates so you clear a path to the treasure at the end (#12e). Here’s how to do it:

  • Walk to the pressure plate at #12a. This will clear the way to the pressure plate at #12b.
  • Walk to the pressure plate at #12b. This will clear the way to the pressure plate at #12c.
  • Walk to the pressure plate at #12c. This will clear the way to the pressure plate at #12d.
  • Walk to the pressure plate at #12d. This will clear the way to the treasure at #12e.
  • Collect the treasure at #12e. You’ll find four Arrows, a Potion of Speed, and a Red Gem.
  • If you deviated from our path and took the Rock near the entrance, then you’ll need to walk to the pressure plate at #12f. This will clear the way to the exit. Otherwise, the way to the exit will already be clear.
  • Exit the room, collecting the Rock along the way if you need it.

If you fall down into one of the pits, then you’ll land in a sublevel, where you’ll get attacked by a few Kuo-Toa, and where you’ll find a Wand of Magic Missile (#30). To escape from the sublevel, you’ll just need to head to the exit portal (Exit C), which will take you back to the entrance of the puzzle room (#12).

13 – Locked Door

To open the door here, you’ll need to place a Red Gem (#12, #19) into the compartment next to it.

14 – Spinner / Teleporter

When you step here (#14), you’ll be rotated by 180 degrees, and you’ll be sent to the opposite corner of the room (#14a).

15 – Mage Scroll

You’ll find a Mage Scroll of Fireball on the ground here.

16 – Shield

You’ll find a Shield on the ground here.

17 – Cleric Scroll

You’ll find a Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade on the ground here.

18 – Potion of Healing

You’ll find a Potion of Healing on the ground here.

19 – Red Gem

You’ll find a Red Gem on the ground here.

20 – Anya’s Remains

At this spot, you’ll discover the remains of a human fighter named Anya: Human Bones, Leather Armor, a Long Sword, and a Spear. If you visit the Dwarven Cleric on Level 5, then you’ll be able to resurrect Anya and add her to your party.

21 – Button

At this spot, you’ll find a button on the northern wall. Pressing it will eliminate the moveable wall behind it. You’ll also find a Rock on the ground here.

22 – Rations

You’ll find Rations at these spots.

23 – Teleporter

Every other time you reach this spot (#23), you’ll get teleported to the other end of the passageway (#23a).

24 – Shelves

You’ll find a Blue Gem in each of these four shelves.

25 – Cat Eyes

At these four spots, you’ll find a pair of cat eyes on the wall. One of them will be glowing blue, and the other will be empty. If you fill all of the empty cat eyes with Blue Gems (#24), then you’ll open the way to a central chamber, where you’ll find some loot (#28, #29) plus two ladders leading to Level 4 (Exit D). Afterwards, if you remove all of the Blue Gems from the eyes, then you’ll complete the Special Quest for the level, which will reward you with a Potion of Extra Healing (at #28) and a Potion of Giant Strength (at #29).

26 – Teleporter

This teleporter (#26) will rotate you by 270 degrees and send you to the south (#26a).

27 – Teleporter

This teleporter (#27) will rotate you by 270 degrees and send you to the north (#27a).

28 – Iron Rations

You’ll find Iron Rations (x3) inside the shelf here.

29 – Treasure

At this spot, you’ll find an Arrow, Chainmail, and a Shield.

30 – Wand

You’ll find a Wand of Magic Missile on the ground here.


  1. Ladder back up to Level 2.
  2. Rapid Access Teleport System (RATS).
  3. One-way out of the sublevel, back to the start of the pit puzzle room (#12).
  4. Ladders down to Level 4.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

Articles: 10018

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