Albion Jobs – Fable II

This guide will help you wrap your head around all the available Albion Jobs in Fable II.

Albion Jobs Overview

fable ii albion jobs

If you’re looking to pick up some extra gold or renown without having to live up to Heroic standards, you can always get a job. There are several jobs that become available from time to time during your travels, and they’re all repeatable to ensure that Albion always has something for you to do. Here’s a quick list of tasks you can take up whenever you have some time to kill:

  • Bard to the Bone: This really isn’t a “job”, but it’s a great means to gain renown points. Throughout the game, you can pay 10 gold to Roland the Bard in order to have him play his lute and sing about your recent deeds. The amount of renown you gain ranges from 30 to several hundred points, depending on how far into the game you are and what quests you’ve recently tackled. Roland can be found in Bowerstone’s The Cow & Corset, Oakfield’s The Sandgoose, and Bloodstone’s waterfront area.
  • Bounty Hunter: Earn some extra income by getting rid of Albion’s most dangerous creatures and criminals. Talk to the guard with the job and he’ll provide you with an Execution Warrant detailing “the offenders you must exterminate”. Go there, slay the offenders, and then return to the guard for a risk level-dependent gold reward.
  • Bartender: Ready to serve a few pints to Albion’s barflies? Take this job and you’ll stand in front of a large keg, pouring beers as quickly and efficiently as you can. The idea is to fill the stein as close to the top as you can without going over and spilling some of the brew (you’ll get a gold penalty if you do). The more promotions you receive, the faster the beers fill up, meaning that you can earn some good coin as a 5-star bartender. Look for this job in Bloodstone, Bowerstone Market, Oakfield, Rookridge, and Westcliff (after Barnum develops the camp).
  • Blacksmith: Quite possibly the first job you’ll ever take in Fable II, as it’s immediately available at Bowerstone’s Up In Arms shop when you first arrive in the market. If you take Theresa’s advice and give it a try, you’ll find that this job is fairly rewarding. The gold multiplier will increase quickly if you can hammer the blades with precision over an extended period of time. Additionally, the more points you invest in your Physique ability, the more gold you’ll earn from each finished blade. Blacksmithing jobs are available in Bloodstone, Bowerstone Market, and Westcliff (after Barnum develops the camp).
  • Civilian Displacement: You can pick this sinister job up from Mickey the Spider in Bowerstone Cemetery. This task, which was formerly referred to as “kidnapping and selling into slavery”, requires you to track down a villager that meets the profile listed in your Civilian Displacement Details scroll, make them follow you, and then lead them to a slave camp for a gold reward. As you probably expected, the higher the risk level, the more gold you’ll earn. You’ll also pick up some negative morality points each time you successfully complete the job.
  • Gamble: Once again, this isn’t a conventional “job”, but who needs to be employed when they can earn all of their gold with a solid streak of luck? Talk with any of the Game Masters around Albion to try out Pub Games like Fortune’s TowerKeystone, and Spinnerbox. Game Masters can typically be found in or around taverns, or traveling along the merchant routes in outdoor zones.
  • Slave Rescue: This job has you freeing citizens that have been sold into slavery, making it the righteous alternative to the Civilian Displacement job. One of Albion’s guards will hand you a Civilian Rescue Details scroll with the (random) location of a “hard labor” camp. Show up, kill the bandits guarding the slaves, and then use the key you obtain to unlock the cage. You’ll earn some positive morality points and a nice pile of renown, depending on the risk level.
  • The Assassination Society: If you gave Arfur the warrants during childhood, then this job will become available very early in the game. Otherwise, it probably won’t be available until you hit Bloodstone. When it does, you’ll be talking to a shady fellow in one of Albion’s alleyways who wants to “solicit your services”. Accept the job and you’ll receieve an Assassination Contract with details on who the Society wants dead. Carry out the job for negative morality points and a risk-dependent amount of gold.
  • Woodcutter: Exactly how it sounds. Chopping wood is pretty easy, but the gold multiplier takes much longer to build up than it does while blacksmithing. You can find employment in this field during periodic visits to Brightwood and Oakfield.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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