Blackmail! – Fable II

This guide will help you complete the Blackmail! quest in Fable II.

Blackmail Walkthrough

fable ii blackmail quest

Should you decide that you’re not satisfied with only one spouse, you may eventually receive “an important piece of correspondence” when you stop by to visit one of your wives or husbands. This Blackmail Letter accuses you of being a dastardly adulterer and demands that you bring 2000 gold to someone named Kenneth in Bowerstone Market. If you don’t pay up within five days, your spouses will be told of your infidelity.

You have three different routes you can pursue, here. First, you can simply pay Kenneth the money and resume your life hoping that this “Denzel” person never blackmails you again (no, I haven’t found a way to kill his boss even though he lets the name slip). Secondly, you can ignore the letter and suffer the consequences when your partners are notified (if they’re happily married, there may be no consequences at all). Thirdly, you can go meet with Kenneth and introduce the tip of your sword to his spleen (which also means your partners are going to be notified). Considering that you’re already a bigamist bastard, the third choice really seems most fitting. Whichever route you choose, you’ll receive the appropriate morality points and 1000 renown points at the quest’s completion.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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