Brightwood Tower – Fable II

This guide will help you explore the Brightwood Tower in Fable II.

Brightwood Tower Walkthrough

fable ii brightwood tower quest 1

After reaching Bloodstone during the The Hero of Skill quest, you’ll have the option to return to Brightwood and purchase Garth’s tower. For the considerable sum of approximately 250,000 gold, you’ll receive the massive structure (free from any furthre Spire Guard attacks) along with Garth’s Note. The note claims that the tower’s bed is an “unnatural item” that possesses the power to make your dreams “more dangerous than you’re accustomed to.” Hmm.

Before you go investigate the bed, it’s worth noting that the tower’s second floor landing now features a vaulting spot that wasn’t there previously. A smashed area of balcony to the south of the Wraithmarsh cullis gate reveals a drop leading down into a dungeon called Archon’s Knot. This area is significant because it leads to the most powerful legendary melee weapon in the game. There are no enemies to fight inside, but you’ll have to navigate through a couple of spike puzzles, surpass a number of target-locked doors, and perform a scary expression for a statue about halfway through the dungeon. With all of that behind you, you’ll grab a Cursed Warrior Augment from the final chest and then exit to a previously unreachable cliff. To your right is a chest containing The Daichi.

fable ii brightwood tower quest 2

But let’s get back to the tower. On the top floor (two levels above where you witnessed Garth’s abduction), you’ll reach the nearly empty bedroom. Nab Garth’s Journal out of the chest for a little extra reading and then take a quick snooze in the tower’s bed. After receiving the beneficial effects of sleep, you’ll find yourself (as a child, no less) in a gloomy area called Nightmare Hollow. The clearing up ahead contains a chest, but when you go to open it you’ll receive a message from “Chesty” asking if you want to be “Super Best Friends” before it disappears. Apparently the chest itself is the Old Kingdom artifact mentioned in the journal.

Taking the right path, you’ll encounter Chesty again, only this time it wants to play a game. What constitutes a “game” for Chesty is, in fact, a battle with several giant beetles. Clean them up, then backtrack to the central area and take the left path this time. Here, you’ll have to listen to Chesty’s fun little idea of cutting adventurer’s legs off before being set upon by a large group of hobbes. Send them to the void as well, then backtrack once more and take the central path.

When you reach the graveyard, Chesty lectures you about killing hobbes and then sends a group of hollow men after you. Once you’ve slain this third batch of creatures, the gate at the other end of the graveyard opens up. Continue down the newly opened path to find Chesty resting atop a hill dotted with flowers. This time, he wants to introduce you to some of his other friends – more hollow men and a banshee to boot. After dealing with this fourth wave of enemies, take a closer look at the expression statue on the other side of the small stone bridge. While you technically can’t access expressions via the social menu here, you may find that your directional pad can still pull the correct one off (if not, you’ll have to return to Nightmare Hollow as an adult). Once the statue has been activated, you can enter the house on the other side of the bridge and plunder the chest within for an Emerald.

fable ii brightwood tower quest 3

Pass through the next gate and head up the stone steps beyond. Crossing over yet another bridge, you’ll enter a large keep with a large circular room. I hope you like “doggies”, because this time Chesty sends several balverines after you. When they’re all dead, Chesty reappears one last time to award you your prize – The Diamond of Sorrow. With your reward in hand, walk to the bed down one of the keep’s hallways and go to sleep a second time. You’ll awaken at the top of Brightwood Tower with 3000 more renown points and the Son of Chesty trophy.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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