Castle Fairfax – Fable II

This guide will help you explore Castle Fairfax in Fable II.

Castle Fairfax Walkthrough

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So you’ve achieved Retribution by putting an end to Lucien’s madness and are now looking for something to keep your interest in the land of Albion? Why not become Mayor? And you can do just that simply by purchasing Castle Fairfax in Bowerstone’s Fairfax Gardens. However, you’re going to need a lot of gold – a million gold, to be exact. If you don’t have that kind of money after finishing the game, my best suggestion would be to buy up every piece of real estate in Bowerstone, Oakfield, Westcliff, and Bloodstone, and then simply wait. If you’re willing to become a corrupt Hero, increasing the rent and prices by 100% at all of the homes and stores will yield more than 200,000 gold per hour. Or, if you’d rather not become a real estate tycoon, you can always embed a Golden Touch Augment to your primary weapon and make a handful of runs through The Crucible.

Regardless of how you obtain the money, go ahead and walk up the stairs leading to the castle’s front doors and make your purchase. One million gold pieces later, you’ve earned the right to be called Mayor and are free to enter your new fortress. Included in your purchase is your very own butler, who tells you a bit about the castle’s layout. Once you’ve heard enough, head into the throne room and do a little poking around. If you’ve found at least 50 of the Silver Keys in Fable II, then you may want to pop open the Silver Chest at the back of the throne room to immeditely recover 50,000 gold of your initial investment (it’s disappointing that it only contains gold, I agree). From within this chamber, you can either go left to reach the dining chamber and main study, or you can go right to reach the tower (where your sister Rose lost her life) and royal suite. Your butler suggested that you take “a brief repose” in the regal bed, so why not give that a whirl next? Sleeping in the regal bed extends your health bar, imbues you with a regeneration ability, and increases your attractiveness.

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When you awaken, your butler alerts you that Castle Fairfax is under attack. Bandits have emerged from a secret passage in the library, so expect a considerable amount of combat as you make your way down to investigate (particularly in the throne room). In the library, you’ll face several bandits and the bandit chief. The chief has access to the Time Control spell for teleportation and possesses a nasty knockdown attack. With the bonuses you received from the regal bed, though, you should be able to take him down without any real issues. When they’re all dead, your butler congratulates you on your victory and then points out their point of entry here in the library. However, since your butler isn’t too keen of danger and would-be murderers, he resigns on the spot. Good to know ye!

Through the secret passage lies Fairfax Tomb, which also happens to be infested with bandits. Smash through the planks covering up the next doorway, then pull the right lever at the end of the hallway. This releases a bunch more bandits and a few balverines, so be prepared for another fight. The back right cell does contain a chest with a Pure Experience Extract in it, though. The left lever opens the portcullis in front of you, allowing you to continue on.

A small army of undead hobbes will begin ascending the pathway ahead of you, so deal with them and then check the chest off to your right for 500 gold. Take the ramps down a couple of levels until you can vault off to a small landing with another chest containing an Obsidian Java Potion. From there, cross over the water-filled chamber and take a dive down into the nearly submerged hallway below. Hit the dive spot to your right for a Savoury Steak Pie, then move forward to do battle with some more undead hobbes. Once you’ve finished them off, loot the two nearby chests for a Solid Gold Necklace and Resurrection Phial. Afterward, you’ll need to attack a floating target a few times (yellow is ranged, blue is melee, red is will) until it unlocks the door leading out of the room. The next room also contains a floating target, so meet its requirements and then keep moving.

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The final chamber houses the unique Potion of Transmogrification, an elixir that, when imbibed, transforms your character into the opposite gender. You don’t have to drink it if you don’t want to, though it will evaporate when you exit the tomb. If you’d like to have a slightly different experience with your character in the final moments of the game, it might be worth a shot. In either case, loot the four chests (containing an Expert Skill Potion, a Solid Gold Necklace, and two Concentrated Will Potions) and then proceed to the tomb’s exit in front of you. When you reach Bowerstone Cemetery, you’ll receive a massive 10,000 renown points and the Sex Change Souvenir trophy.

Now that you’ve sealed the castle’s secret entrance, you won’t have to worry about bandits disturbing you in your sleep anymore. Feel free to explore the rest of the castle, and make sure you loot its many lucrative bookshelves, wardrobes, dressers, and other containers as they become restocked. These will help you recuperate the sizeable chunk of money you spent on the place.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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