Knothole Island Drowning – Fable II

This guide will help you complete the Knothole Island Drowning quest in the Knothole Island DLC for Fable II.

Knothole Island Drowning Walkthrough

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After saving Knothole Island from the grip of winter and the scorching rays of the sun, you’d think they’d be happy. Wrong. Now the chieftain refers to you as the “bringer of drizzle” and holds you personally responsible for flooding the town. While you’re busy suppressing your urges to shatter every bone in his body, the chieftain asks you to activate the Ice Totem inside the Storm Shrine. And, as expected, you must first find the key that will grant you entrance to the shrine.

Once again, you’ll be taking the path to the right of Alira’s Mole House. Vault down into the water and head up the path to your right, plucking the Thug Augment from the dive spot and the Thunder’s Strength Potion from the chest along the way. At the top of the path, you’ll be digging up the Storm Key.

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Return to the water and swim over to the opposite path leading back into town. Once there, you’ll be swimming over to the path just behind the submerged Sun Shrine. Kill the Hobbes attempting to impede your progress as you make your way up to the top of the hill, then vault into the water surrounding the shrine. Before using your newly acquired key to gain entrance, pay a visit to the nearby dive spot to earn yourself the Auburn Hair Dye. Into the Storm Shrine you go.

After walking a little ways into the shrine, you’ll find the Knothole Island, Vol IV book sitting behind a group of stalagmites to your right. Continue on to reach an outdoor chamber with a stairway leading up to a dilapitated temple and a total of three locked doors. Kill the shadow creatures around the courtyard, then deal with the floating target at the base of the stairs. After meleeing it twice, the door to the building off to your right will open and you’ll be forced to do battle with another group of shadow creatures. Slay them all, then pop the lid of the nearby chest to score the Knothole Knight Armour. Another melee attack on the floating target will send it up to the platform just outside the building, which can only be reached wait the staircase around the corner. Strike it with a melee weapon once more and it will move a little ways before requiring a ranged attack.

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A rifle shot later and the target will go inside the other locked building on the opposite side of the courtyard. Defeat the next wave of shadow creatures waiting inside, loot the Resurrection Phial from the chest, and hit the target with a melee attack once more. After it perches itself above the main stairway in front of the temple, two more waves of shadow creatures will fill the courtyard. Deal with them however you see fit, then strike the target one last time with a melee weapon to enter the temple. Here, you can vault down into a lower area of the Storm Shrine.

Before proceeding further, swim back to the dive spot behind you for an Untapped Potential Augment. Move up to the next room, where a wave of Hollow Men will confront you before you can pass through the next door. A little further in is a room featuring a series of pipes and gears, along with a chest that can be ransacked for a Knothole Green Dye. Climb the ladder and begin attacking the floating target here with a melee weapon. You’ll have to strike it three times, all the while vaulting between iron grid platforms. When it disappears into the pipe, descend the ladder and hit it with a melee/ranged attack sequence below. This will open a portcullis in the previous hallway.

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Continue on your way and you’ll come across yet another chest, this one holding an Energy Drain Augment. Past the chest is a ladder leading up to a pair of walkways suspended above some water. Pipes on either side of you appear to be unleashing some kind of wind trap, so just kill the few Hollow Men here and keep moving forward. You’re now in another water-filled room with a series of pipes and a floating target to deal with. Hit the target with a quick ranged/magic/ranged/ranged/magic sequence to open the door off to your right. The lever behind it will shut down one of the wind traps so you can pass through a side door in the main chamber.

Through this door, you’ll witness several floating targets moving between two pipes. The idea here is to quickly hit them with ranged and magic attacks as they show up (3 ranged, 2 magic to be exact), after which they’ll light up the sconces on the wall and trigger a series of doors on your right to open. Another trap-disabling lever awaits you. This time, when you return to the main chamber you’ll have to defeat a banshee. When she’s been slain, you’re free to pass through the final door and loot the chest there for the Knothole Knight Helmet. This should be the final piece that you need for the entire outfit. From here, you can fire a shot at the explosive barrels to your left to open the way to the next chamber.

A slightly difficult troll winds up being your final adversary before you can reach the Ice Totem. Activate it and you’ll find yourself back where you originally started – a snowy version of Knothole Island. Kill the banshee inhabiting this area of the island, then grab the Knothole Island, Vol X book sitting behind the trees to your right. If you’ve thoroughly searched the island up until now, this will be the last of the ten books that you need (therefore unlocking The Bibliophile achievement).

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The chieftain is standing amid a bunch of other villagers at the center of the frozen town. When you approach, he begins ranting about how he’s responsible for the reopening of the weather chamber and that the villagers will have to pay him a small monthly fee so that he can pursue his duties of keeping the weather under control. For obvious reasons, this causes some discontent among the villagers and leaves you with a choice – join the chieftain for 10,000 gold and evil points or join Jessica and the other villagers for no monetary award but their heartfelt thanks and good points. Either way, you’ll earn 3000 renown points, the Storm Key trophy, The Meteorologist achievement, and the ability to enter the weather chamber at any time to bring on a snowfall, rain shower, or blast of sunshine.

Nice work, you’ve finished the three quests the Knothole Island DLC had to offer. If you haven’t already done it, search around for any of the Knothole Island books that you’re missing and make some item exchanges at The Box of Secrets. They’re worth the achievements, if nothing else.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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