Love Hurts – Fable II

This guide will help you complete the Love Hurts quest in Fable II.

Love Hurts Walkthrough

fable ii love hurts quest 1

After reaching Bloodstone during the The Hero of Skill quest, a new quest will pop up alerting you to the fact that Victor, the gravekeeper in Bowerstone Cemetery, is conducting “a strange experiment”. Why not pay a visit to the Graveyard Mansion in the northwest corner of Bowerstone Cemetery and knock on the door? When you do, the gravekeeper will answer through the small door window and ask for your assistance for some “non-creepy gathering” of various body part specimens. Offer to aid him in his quest and he’ll send you to the Hobbe Cave in Rookridge for your first “scientific expedition”.

As soon as you enter the cave, your dog will take off running toward a dig spot. Fight your way through any hobbes that block your path as you make your way to the room a little ways past the central ramps you have to ascend. Once your dog starts scratching the dig spot, pull out your trusty Spade and uproot Lady Grey’s Lower Body lying beneath the dirt. You’ll also uncover the First Witchspotters Note that decribes the sweat, blood, and tears put in by the Witchspotters of Albion to bury the legs of Lady Grey.

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When you bring the legs back to Victor, he’ll invite you into his study within the mansion. Here, he’ll explain that he’s not just advancing the cause of science (no, really?), but he’s advancing the cause of love, too. He’s infatuated with Lady Grey – the former mayor of Bowerstone, as Fable fans may recall – and has decided to reconstruct her body so that the two of them can marry and, er, live happily ever after. Now you just need to find the other two pieces of her body, the first of which lies within a tomb in Wraithmarsh.

Fast-travel to the Bloodstone Road in Wraithmarsh, cross over the wooden bridge to the west, and then follow the water to the north into Twinblade’s Tomb. Smash through the first round of hollow men and the pieces of brush blocking the pressure plate above you, then shoot/melee/shoot the target across the room to open the door leading further into the tomb. Step on the next pressure plate, then backtrack a bit to shoot the target hovering over the spike traps. With the portcullis now open, you can make your way into the next room.

From here, doorways lead to the left and right, though only the right is open at the moment. Appease the statue before you with the appropriate expression and you’ll gain access to the left one, where another pressure plate and target await activation. Beyond the newly opened door in front of you lies a circular room with yet another floating target that will jump from statue to statue as you shoot it. When the right door opens, you’ll have to navigate through some fire traps to step on a final pressure plate. This last plate opens the other portcullis in the circular room, granting you full access to the spiraling staircase leading to Twinblade’s resting place.

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To the right of Twinblade’s sarcophagus, you’ll spy a wooden coffin. Crack it open and Lady Grey’s Upper Body will come rolling out, as well as a Second Witchspotters Note. With the second body part in hand, pay another visit to Victor and tell him the good (yet disturbing) news.

Once you’ve given him his prize, the gravekeeper tells you that the third body part is tucked away in a vault within Fairfax Gardens. When you travel there, you’ll discover that the gate guarding the building on your left is now open, allowing you entrance to Lady Grey’s Tomb. You’ll have to vault down a deep chute once inside, and this time you land on sand rather than water. In fact, the whole level is filled with sand. Ahead of you sits a sarcophagus with a menacing-looking skeleton peering over it. Push back the lid and you’ll be the proud owner of Lady Grey’s Head and the Third Witchspotters Note, though you will have awoken a bunch of giant beetles in the process. You’ll have to hack, blast, and invoke your way through the beetles as you ascend several flights of stairs to the tomb’s exit.

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Upon your return to the graveyard mansion, you’ll find Victor down in the basement. He’s already prepared a makeshift laboratory, complete with a Frankenstein-style slab where Lady Grey’s body will be struck with voltage. After explaining how he’s also added a love spell to the reanimation procedure, he flips the lever and sends a jolt of electricity into the former mayor’s body. Things don’t go quite as planned, though. When Lady Grey awakens, she starts to fall in love with you instead of Victor. The gravekeeper demands that you leave immediately before the love spell takes full effect, and you’re left with 45 seconds to comply. If you leave the mansion in time, you’ll receive 10 Good points and Lady Grey and the gravekeeper will run off to begin their undead life of romance. If you don’t leave, you’ll receive 10 Evil points and Victor’s dreams of having a reanimated girlfriend will be crushed. However the quest concludes, you receive 8500 renown points and the Rod of Life trophy.

With the gravekeeper gone, the Bowerstone Cemetery Mansion is now up for sale for the tidy sum of 100,000 gold. If you choose to buy it, you’ll receive the The Cemetery Mansion quest. Why not make it your marital home with the voluptuous (yet scarred, pale, and typically drooling) Lady Grey and pick up a new quest to boot?

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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