Rescuing Charlie – Fable II

This guide will help you complete the Rescuing Charlie quest in Fable II.

Rescuing Charlie Walkthrough

fable ii rescuing charlie quest 1

Once you’ve reached Bloodstone, you’ll be notified that an old lady named Granny Miggins is “worried sick” about her grandson Charlie. Take a trip to the Gypsy Camp in Bower Lake and you’ll find Granny Miggins standing atop the bridge that extends the length of the camp’s entry gate. After confusing you with Charlie (gram-gram’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be), she tells you that her and her grandson left the camp to have a picnic for his birthday… but Charlie disappeared into an old tomb. You’re to find Charlie and give him Granny Miggins’s Note so that he knows you’re “a nice grown-up” he can trust.

Make the short jaunt to the Tomb of Heroes and head inside. Things are pretty quiet until you reach the second main chamber, where you’ll come across Charlie busy fighting off hollow men. After showing him Granny’s note, the “fellow explorer” explains that his grandmother’s constant worrying makes his blood boil. He then explains that he’s trying to open a sarcophagus, and would appreciate it if you could keep the hollow men off him while he goes to work on the lock.

fable ii rescuing charlie quest 2

Three waves of hollow men later, Charles will have the sarcophagus ready for plundering. Help him open it and you’ll discover a Looter’s Note inside. Those bastards Sam and Max from The Summoners quest were here first – this is where they acquired the Normanomicon in the first place! With no treasure to show for it (aside from 2000 gold and a Forever Ring from two separate chests on your way out), you must now escort Charlie out of the tomb while hordes of hollow men spring forth to cut off your escape.

But wait… what fate does a foolhardy would-be adventurer deserve after running off while on a picnic to loot the remains of Albion’s long-dead citizens? And look at his sweet tophat! If you’re willing to accrue some Evil points, feel free to turn your safety off and “accidentally” run Charles through with your blade. Or, if you’d rather leave it to the undead, run away and leave Charles to fend for himself for a minute or two. Either way, you’ll be able to search his corpse for Charles’s Hat, a one-of-a-kind piece of headgear that looks good with just about any outfit. And, thanks to Granny Miggins’ terrible eyesight, she’ll think it’s Charles when you emerge from the tomb victorious.

Regardless of whether or not Charles lives of dies, Granny Miggins is delighted when you exit the tomb (as long as you confuse her by wearing the proper headgear, you tophat-wearing murderer). She’ll then hand you the Gold Burden Augment that she had planned to give Charles for his birthday and you’ll earn 5000 renown points at the quest’s completion. Quite a deal.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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