Returning the Dark Seal – Fable II

This guide will help you complete the Returning the Dark Seal quest in Fable II.

Returning the Dark Seal Walkthrough

fable ii returning the dark seal quest 1

Time to do a little of Reaver’s dirty work. Fast-travel to the Drowned Farm in Wraithmarsh (after listening to Reaver shoot the painter for misrepresenting his cheekbones) and follow the path to the south a little ways to find the door leading into the Shadow Court.

After unlocking the door with the seal and heading inside, you’ll hear the sound of a woman crying off in the distance. She’s nowhere in your vicinity, so just proceed into the next room and take the door on your left. Down the stairs here, you’ll notice that you can smash through the wall to your left. Loot the chest inside the short hallway for a Live Forever Health Potion, then continue into the next room to fight some shadow Hobbes. You can smash through some wooden planks here for another chest, this one containing a Expert Skill Potion. Go back to the Hobbe room and go through the opposite door to reach a hallway full of spike traps. With a little skill at timing, you can make it across without a scratch. On the other side of the hallway, you’ll find a pressure plate to activate and another chest containing a Troll Strength Potion. Into the next room you go.

fable ii returning the dark seal quest 2

When you reach the portcullis, you’ll be descended upon by five separate waves of shadows. Use whatever tactics you deem necessary to slay them all, then smash through yet another wall to find an elusive Silver Key. With the portcullis now open, you can vault down to a hallway leading into the Shadow Court’s main chamber. Here, you’ll finally meet up with the crying woman. She tells you that she was reading from a “really old book” and it teleported her to this place. Just then, three shadow lords appear on the other side of the chamber. They can sense that one of you carries the dark seal and explain that they will drain the youth and beauty from whoever carries it so that “the king of thieves” may retain his. If you’re feeling evil, you can pass the seal over to the woman and let her suffer the consequences. If you prefer a more righteous route, simply stand there until the lords deal out their punishment. When their little siphoning ritual is complete, go up the stairs behind you to find another chest containing 750 gold and then pass through exit to Wraithmarsh beyond. Back to The Hero of Skill we go.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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