Road to Westcliff – Fable II

This guide will help you complete the Road to Westcliff quest in Fable II.

Road to Westcliff Walkthrough

fable ii road to westcliff quest 1

Now that you’ve secured Lucien’s Diary, you must bring it to Theresa in the Chamber of Fate so she can translate it for you. Once you’ve handed it over, the seer begins reading – despite her apparent blindness – and learns that Lucien has been recruiting the winners of a gladiator-style arena called The Crucible. Since they’re physically strong and mentally weak, they make perfect Spire Guards. You must go to Westcliff, enter The Crucible, and emerge from it victorious so that Lucien recruits you. Once you’ve made it into the Tattered Spire, you’ll be able to rescue Garth… or at least that’s the plan.

This time around, Hammer gets to join in on the adventure. Once you meet up with her in the southwest corner of Brightwood, the two of you will be on your way to the Bandit Coast. As its name implies, this bandit-infested area is essentially a winding path leading west along Albion’s coastline. After defeating several waves of bandits, you’ll reach what Hammer calls an “infamous” barricade leading into a bandit camp. After she smashes it down with her hammer, you’ll find yourself in a fairly difficult battle with several bandits and a highwayman. When they’re all dead, there are two chests for you to loot – one at the back of the camp containing a Light Oak Crossbow and another at the top of the ruined tower containing a Standard Health Potion. A short jaunt down the path to the northwest from the camp will bring you into Westcliff.

fable ii road to westcliff quest 2

Immediately after entering Westcliff, you’ll spot a chest containing a Steel Cutlass and two Resurrection Phials. Grab the items, then proceed around the next curve to come face-to-face with your first balverine. Two of them, in fact. The wolf-like creatures aren’t really that tough, as long as you’re prepared when they leap off the screen and appear behind you. After slaying two more balverines up ahead near a collapsed building, you’ll hear a woman’s scream.

Approach the screaming woman to learn that balverines killed her husband Frederick and took her son. Hammer asks her to lead you to where they took him, and she agrees. Before taking the left path in search of her son, take the right path instead to loot two chests – the one at the top of the ruined tower contains a Practised Skill Potion, while the one sitting on the ledge below the tower contains a Will User Robe and an Autograph Card.

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As you continue on toward the southwest corner of the map, you can expect at least a couple more battles with balverines. Eventually, you’ll reach a door leading into the Howling Halls – a balverine den where the woman’s son was apparently taken. Grab the 300 gold in the chest off to your right, then head inside.

The previously timid woman takes the lead inside these halls, leading you down into a large room filled with pillars and a spike-filled pit. Here, she utters “Children, I bring you flesh!” before assuming her true balverine form and leaping off the screen. Four pairs of balverines will jump down in an attempt to rend your flesh from your bones, so be prepared. When all eight are dead, Hammer will begin using her brute strength to push the back left pillar across the spike pit. While she’s working on that, you’ll have to contend with the shapeshifting “mother” balverine.

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When all of the balverines have been slain and the pillar has toppled across the pit, run across the makeshift bridge and loot the chest to your left for a Ruby. Ascend the flight of stairs through the next door to enter a room with another chest containing an Infused Will Potion. The spiraling staircase past this room will take you to the exit.

Emerging from the opposite side of the Howling Halls, you’ll have reached the main Westcliff camp. You’ll have access to several new quests now, including Defender of the LightThe Oakfield MassacreWestcliff DevelopmentWestcliff Shooting Range, and The Crucible. If you don’t care about participating in any side quests, then The Crucible is your next destination.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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