Silver Chests – Fable II

Welcome to our Fable II silver chests section!

There are a total of 18 silver chests in Fable II, and, just like in the first Fable, you’ll need to find a particular number of silver keys to open each one. Having trouble finding all of the silver keys scattered around Albion? Check our Silver Keys section!

Silver Chests Locations

Bandit Coast Silver Chest

fable ii bandit coast silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 10
Contents: 1000 gold

Coming in from Brightwood, proceed down the pathway to the west. After fighting through a few groups of bandits, you’ll find this chest lying just off to your right.

Bloodstone Silver Chest

fable ii bloodstone silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 15
Contents:Golden Touch Augment

The area’s only chest sits at the top of the path leading down into Bloodstone.

Bower Lake Silver Chest #1

fable ii bower lake silver chest 1

Silver Keys Required: 1
Contents:Dog Tricks! The Bunny Hop

The first Bower Lake chest can be found resting by some stone columns on the southwest corner of the map.

Bower Lake Silver Chest #2

fable ii bower lake silver chest 2

Silver Keys Required: 1
Contents: 100 gold

The second Bower Lake chest sits underneath the stone archway just to the north of the road leading into Brightwood.

Bower Lake Silver Chest #3

fable ii bower lake silver chest 3

Silver Keys Required: 10
Contents:Storm Scar Augment

During a return visit to the Gypsy Camp, you’ll find that you can pass through a gap in the fence to reach this chest next to the southeast tower.

Bowerstone Cemetery Silver Chest #1

fable ii bowerstone cemetery silver chest 1

Silver Keys Required: 1
Contents:Mood Ring

You’ll discover this chest in the graveyard at the center of the map. You can’t miss it.

Bowerstone Cemetery Silver Chest #2

fable ii bowerstone cemetery silver chest 2

Silver Keys Required: 10
Contents: 1000 gold

On the south end of the map, check the tomb off to your west to pluck this chest.

Bowerstone Market Silver Chest

fable ii bowerstone market silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 5
Contents:Potion of Life

If you take a quick detour off the path leading into Fairfax Gardens, you’ll be able to ransack this chest.

Bowerstone Old Town Silver Chest

fable ii bowerstone old town silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 5
Contents: 500 gold

As you leave Bowerstone toward Rookridge to the north, you’ll discover this chest sitting along the path.

Brightwood Silver Chest #1

fable ii brightwood silver chest 1

Silver Keys Required: 5
Contents:Slash & Burn Augment

You’ll discover this chest at the top of the ruined tower on the north side of the map.

Brightwood Silver Chest #2

fable ii brightwood silver chest 2

Silver Keys Required: 15
Contents:Discipline Augment

Make a thorough search between the stairways directly behind the Brightwood Tower to find this chest.

Fairfax Gardens Silver Chest

fable ii fairfax gardens silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 50
Contents: 50,000 gold

After you’ve defeated Lucien, you can purchase Castle Fairfax for a million gold. Once it’s yours, check the throne room for the highest requirement silver chest in the game.

Oakfield Silver Chest

fable ii oakfield silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 10
Contents:Slash & Burn Augment

Oakfield doesn’t have much of a graveyard, but at least there’s a silver chest to be found there.

Rookridge Silver Chest #1

fable ii rookridge silver chest 1

Silver Keys Required: 5

Once you’ve entered Rookridge from Bowerstone Old Town, take the first side path to score this chest.

Rookridge Silver Chest #2

fable ii rookridge silver chest 2

Silver Keys Required: 15
Contents: 5000 gold

Use the second floor exit from the Rookridge Inn to reach the mining area where this chest lies.

Westcliff Silver Chest #1

fable ii westcliff silver chest 1

Silver Keys Required: 5
Contents:Bewitching AugmentDiamond

You can’t miss this chest on your way to the Westcliff Shooting Range.

Westcliff Silver Chest #2

fable ii westcliff silver chest 2

Silver Keys Required: 20
Contents: 10,000 gold

Head into the Balverine-infested area on the south side of the map to find this chest sitting amid a couple of shacks and a lookout tower.

Wraithmarsh Silver Chest

fable ii wraithmarsh silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 20
Contents:Devastation Augment

In order to track down this chest, you’ll have to make your way to the end of the bridge on the north side of the map. It’s a short walk from the Bloodstone Road.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

Articles: 10018

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