Stranded – Fable II

This guide will help you complete the Stranded quest in Fable II.

Stranded Walkthrough

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Having passed through The Cullis Gate at Brightwood Tower, you’ll arrive in the unfamiliar territory of Wraithmarsh before collapsing to the ground. Your dog will run off and a freakish old man carrying a torch will stumble upon you and lock you in a large slaver cage. Since you’re helpless, you’ll be stuck listening to the man rant about Bloodstone. Lucky for you, though, a fog rolls in and the man soon perishes to the chilling wail of a banshee. In a game. A GameBanshee? Maybe.

Anyway, with the man out of the way and the fog gone, Theresa contacts you to let you know that the gate malfunctioned and Garth and Hammer are back at the Heroes’ Guild. You’re all alone… well, not quite. Your trusty pooch shows up, grabs the Cage Key, and passes it to you through the bars. You’re now free to explore the marshes to the southwest, though you might want to give your dog a treat first for saving your life.

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The path leading to the south will bring you to the Drowned Farm. As soon as you step within the main water-drenched area, a fog rolls in and you’ll have to do battle with your first banshee. Banshees have the ability to summon in what appear to be small shadow children. While these are summoned, you are unable to damage the banshee herself. You must first kill all of the shadows, then turn your attention on the banshee for the relatively short period of time that she’s vulnerable. If you don’t kill her in the first round of attacks, she’ll summon in more shadows and you’ll have to repeat the process.

Once the banshee is dead, continue down the path to the southeast into the remnants of Oakvale. The path slopes upward, then crosses over a rickety old bridge. When you pass beyond a stone staircase, you’ll start running into some resistance from Hollow Men. Just keep sending them back to the void as you continue toward the west. Eventually you’ll reach a circle of tombs sitting atop fog-covered soil, and it’s here that you’ll do battle with an Elite Hollow Man. Prepare a high level Inferno or similar spell as he approaches you and you should be able to shatter him into nothingness quickly.

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On the far west side of Wraithmarsh, you’ll find yourself face-to-face with another banshee. Just use the same tactics you used on the previous one and things will go just as smoothly. When the fight is over, pass over the porch of an old building and around to a larger body of water. Here, a troll rises from the ground and another large battle ensues. If you don’t want to have to deal with the troll’s ground attacks, you can run around him and position yourself up on the bridge. This will give you a good vantage point and keep you out of harm’s way (aside from the Hollow Men that will most likely follow you up), though you may still have to pop down from time to time to hit the weak points on his back.

After the troll perishes, move across the bridge and through the two gates to the east. This brings you to an old mausoleum with an exit leading to Bloodstone. Onward to The Hero of Skill.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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