T.O.B.Y. – Fable II

This guide will help you complete the T.O.B.Y. quest in Fable II.

T.O.B.Y. Walkthrough

fable ii t.o.b.y. quest 1

Once you’ve made it to Wraithmarsh, you’ll no doubt run past a home on your way to Reaver’s mansion and overhear a conversation about needing help to “cleanse this town of the infamous Silver Serpent.” Pay a visit to the second floor of the house and you’ll catch the end of a conversation between a grubby, belly-flaunting man and a woman by the name of Sister Beverly. The two claim to be members of the Temple of Benevolent Yokels, or T.O.B.Y. for short. The man, who just so happens to be named Toby, asks for your help in bringing order to Bloodstone’s rotten underbelly.

Accept and Toby asks you to start recovering holy artifacts needed for the “rite of cleansing.” The first of these is The Mutton of Eternal Hope, which can be found inside a cabinet in the home above the tattoo parlor on Bloodstone’s waterfront. Steal it, then bring it back to Toby and he’ll send you out to find the second artifact. This time, you’re looking for The Wine of Forgiveness inside a home just a couple of houses to the east of Toby’s (with a cot and two barrels outside of it). The wine is in a cabinet by the child’s bed on the second floor.

fable ii t.o.b.y. quest 2

The third artifact is The Sacred Pie of Kindness. Toby tells you that it’s in a home next to the boathouse to the south. Sure enough, it’s inside the cupboard in the kitchen. With the last artifact in Toby’s hands, he’ll send you on an “important mission” to bring him a prostitute so that he can show her “the error of her ways.” Simply walk outside and use the follow expression on the first female prostitute you see and then return to Toby once more.

He now asks you to leave the T.O.B.Y. headquarters so he can give the poor woman his full attention. Mmhmm. Go outside and talk with one of the townsfolk to learn what you already suspected – Toby is a swindler that uses people like you to do his dirty work. Go back to Toby’s and knock on the door a couple of times until he finally opens it. At this point, you can either use a few scary expressions to scare him out of Bloodstone or you can turn the safety off and just kill him. Personally, I prefer the latter. Either way, the bastard won’t be conning anyone soon and you’ll earn 4000 renown points and the Mutton of Eternal Hope trophy.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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