The Blind Date – Fable II

This guide will help you complete The Blind Date quest in Fable II.

The Blind Date Walkthrough

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As long as you didn’t kill Giles by participating in the Red Harvest quest, you’ll gain access to this quest after emerging from The Spire. Travel to the Giles Farm in the northwest section of Brightwood and speak to the man himself outside of the large barn. Giles wants his son to settle down with a nice girl and start a family, but all of his attempts to set Rupert up with a woman have failed. If you offer to help the farmer out, he gives you Rupert’s Photo so that you can show it to various villagers until you find one interested in his son. However, a quick conversation with Rupert clues you in to the real problem – he’s gay. He has no idea what his dad would think of his sexual orientation, so he has yet to tell him.

So what’s a Hero to do? Well, you can either find Rupert a dashing young man for Good points, or you can ignore his preference and set him up with another “floozie” for Evil points. Bowerstone Market is the best place to find a match for Rupert, regardless of which gender you’re looking for. Heterosexual villagers are easy enough to spot, but gay ones are a bit trickier. If you’re a woman, you can tell which men are appropriate by the ones who have no chance of ever marrying you on their influence meter. If you’re a man, then you’re looking for ones that are willing to marry you. Show them the photo and, if interested, they’ll scribble their information down on a piece of paper called Rupert’s Date’s Details. It’s time to make a love connection.

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Return to the Giles Farm in Brightwood and report your findings to Rupert and his dad in the main farmhouse. Give Rupert the note and he’ll reluctantly confess to Giles that he’s gay. His father is taken back a bit, but he accepts his son’s preference whole-heartedly. The two of them then decide to move to the city, which concludes the quest and earns you 3500 renown points.

With Rupert and his dad moving, the Giles Farm is now up for sale. The asking price is about 75,000 gold, but it’s worth every ounce of precious metal due to the contents of its cellar and the sizeable rent you can gain from it. When you make the purchase, you’ll receive Giles’s Letter which points you to a key in the upstairs cupboard. It also goes on to say that you should leave the key where it is, but what fun would that be? Go up and grab Giles’s Portcullis Key, then proceed to the back of the farm’s barn to enter the Farm Cellar.

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Once you’re through the locked portcullis, you’ll have to dispatch several waves of hollow men as you navigate the old cellar. After stepping on a few pressure plates to open some more closed portcullises, you’ll come to a sand-filled room with a Silver Key and a dig spot. Crack out your Spade and use it to dig up a sweet legendary rifle called The Enforcer. Thank you, Giles.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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