The Cemetery Mansion – Fable II

This guide will help you complete The Cemetery Mansion quest in Fable II.

The Cemetery Mansion Walkthrough

fable ii the cemetery mansion quest

At the conclusion of the Love Hurts quest, Victor the gravekeeper will leave the Bowerstone Cemetery to pursue a new life (with or without Lady Grey). With nobody to take care of it, the Bowerstone Cemetery Mansion is now up for sale. Should you fork over the 100,000 gold necessary to become its owner, you’ll receive this quest along with the Gravekeeper’s Key and Gravekeeper’s Note. What’s this about Victor’s grandfather keeping secrets hidden away in a crypt at the nearby scrap yard? Sounds like it might be worth checking out.

In the northwest corner of Bowerstone Cemetery, you’ll discover the gate leading into the scrap yard referred to in the note. Use the key to unlock it and proceed into Shelley Crypt. A menacing voice will echo through the crypt, warning you not to tread any further. Obviously you’ll be ignoring the voice, so just keep moving until you reach a lone chest sitting in front of three crossed swords. Pop it open and grab The Stone of Myr’Bregothil inside, then start making your way back.

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Hmm. The sarcophagi inside the room you just walked through are now opened and scattered about, and the stairs you just descended are blocked by debris. You’ll have to smash your way through the back wall in the coffin-filled room (there are two smashable walls – one is the exit, the other leads to a Silver Key) and then vault down to a dirt-covered floor. Here, you’ll be ambushed by three waves of hollow men. Smash their brittle bones, then loot the chest for an Expert Skill Potion and move through the freshly opened portcullis.

In the next chamber, you’ll have to deal with a floating target in order to reveal the bridges leading between each of the suspended platforms. Two separate attacks on the floating target (one melee, one ranged) will trigger each bridge to appear. 750 gold can be plundered from the chest on the far side, after which you’ll move to another cavernous area with a single exit point blocked by a very large hollow man. The hollow man explains that the stone you stole from the crypt binds them to this world and its removal will cast them into “an unspeakable dimension of pain”. He then pleads for you to return it to its rightful place and threatens to perform some sort of sacred dance on your remains if you don’t.

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For 30 Evil points, you can ignore the hollow man’s request and unleash a flurry of attacks on him instead. A fairly significant battle will take place, but you should have no trouble taking out all of the resistance and you’ll wind up as the owner of yet another rare stone. Or, if you’d rather earn 30 Good points, you can turn the stone over to the hollow man. This avoids battle altogether, as the leader will then leave and ask all of his fellow undead to put their dancing shoes on. They might not be dancing on your remains, but they’re going to get in a good jig before they enter their eternal slumber. I recommend standing and listening to the whole thing play out, as it’s quite humorous (“that’s your arm… don’t dance so vigorously!”).

With all of that behind you, head up the ladder in front of you and through the exit to officially finish the quest. This will earn you 3500 renown points.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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