The Costume Party – Fable II

This guide will help you complete The Costume Party quest in the See The Future DLC for Fable II.

The Costume Party Walkthrough

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Despite the fact that you’ve finished The Snowglobe by restoring the alternate world’s color and freeing the ghosts of the villagers, Mystical Murgo has yet another cursed item for you to buy. This time it’s a Cursed Skull, which you’ll once again use from the inventory menu to travel to a faraway place. Before doing so, take a look at some of the other goods that Murgo is now willing to sell to you. They’re all unique to Fable II, and at this point in the game you probably have enough coin to buy everything he has to offer.

When you’re ready, use the skull to be immediately teleported to a place called Celestial Keep. Once in the courtyard, grab the Murgo “Sycophantic” Model off to your left, then enter the glowing ring to strike up a coversation with the stone skull. The skull claims to be a knight trapped here by a vile necromancer, and that the nearby wisps are the only thing that can release him from his torment. You’re to free them and lead them here so that he might find peace at last.

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Off you go out the doorway behind you. You can make a stop at the crypt on your left and search the sarcophagus within for a Wisp White Dye, after which you’ll be opening the sarcophagus to the right of the doorway for a Hollow Man Suit (comprised of a Hollow Man Suit Body, a pair of Hollow Man Suit Boots, some Hollow Man Suit Gloves, a Hollow Man Suit Helmet, and Hollow Man Suit Trousers). Adorn the suit, then use the Bloodlust Roar expression at the “bewitched statue” to gain entrance through the gate at the end of the pathway.

Two gates stand before you in the next area, though you can only pass through one at the moment (another statue blocks the other). Go through the open gate to reach yet another statue-guarded gate, where the skull from before directs you to find a balverine costume to appease the statue. Slashing through the thickets, you’ll reach a balverine-infested area that looks like a good place to start your search.

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A second set of thickets down the road hides the Murgo “Slanderous” Model, so make sure you grab the trophy before continuing your search for the next costume. Just remember to return here for the bewitched statue once you nab the hobbe costume.

In the water-logged section of road, you’ll find some more thickets off to your left. Just past these, you’ll find the Murgo “Tickled Pink” Model. Double back and cross over the water to spawn a poison balverine out of a shaft filled with noxious fumes. Deal with it just as you would any other creature and you’ll find yourself up against several more of the creatures. Continue to transform them into skeletal remains until the gate next to the poison shaft opens up. Pop the lid on the chest beyond for the Balverine Suit (comprised of a Balverine Suit BodyBalverine Suit Feet, and Balverine Suit Headpiece).

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Before equipping your new costume, how about we spawn a little easter egg? First, go to the arae where you just nabbed the “tickled pink” statue. Pass through this stone archway, then go through the mossy archway in front of the poison vent, turn left and go through the archway in front of the broken tree stump, then finally go through the archway at the far end of the water that hides the sitting skeleton. If you performed the order correctly, the skeleton should now be holding The Dingly Egg. Grab it – you’ll be using it later.

Now put on the balverine costume and return to the gate that holds the wisps within their tomb. With the balverine costume on, direct a growl expression at the statue to pop open the gate. Search the sarcophagus within for the Balverine Brown Dye, then equip the hollow man outfit and start leading the wisps back to the skull-faced knight. Upon your return, you’ll discover that you haven’t brought enough wisps to transform the knight back into a human. Time to round up some more.

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Head back to the first circular landing and perform a perfect growl expression with the balverine suit on at the remaining bewitched statue. Descend the sloping path to a cave guarded by a couple of hobbes. Take them out, then approach the rabbit hole next to the tree outside of the cave. Notice the basket sitting there? Place The Dingly Egg in it and you’ll be transported into the rabbit hole.

Shrivelled Carrots. That’s what you’ll find while running down the rabbit hole. Eventually, though, you’ll come to a living area with furniture and a campfire. Along with some higher quality carrots, you’ll stumble across an Ashfield House Key that unlocks a house back in the Cursed Snowglobe. With the key in hand, out of the rabbit hole we go.

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You’re now ready to enter the “mysterious cave” that the hobbes were defending. Once inside, slash through the two boarded doorways and kill the hobbes beyond. The knight will then ask that you to press on, but mentions that you’ll have to become the “most brutish” creature of all in order to do so. Climb the wooden walkway and ransack the chest at the end for a Hobbe Suit (comprised of some Hobbe Boots and a Hobbe Suit Body). Put it on, then vault off to the stony ledge to your right. From here, you can vault down to the wooden platfom below and loot yourself the Murgo “Optimistic” Model. Before pressing on, return to the wooden “bridge” just before the top chest and vault down to the stone platform below. The chest here holds the Night Blue Dye.

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With the hobbe outfit equipped, approach the little hobbe statue and have the apparition that appears follow you to the cracked boulder to your right. He will blow it up with explosives, allowing you to travel further into the cave. You’ll now be in what appears to be a little hobbe village. Kill the defenders, then approach the next hobbe statue right below the ledge you vaulted off of. Lead this apparition to the other cracked boulder, and once again it will be reduced to rubble. Now you can approach a statue of a hobbe on stilts. This little guy can easily cross the poison river and activate the water wheel on the other side. With the river cleansed, cross over to the other side and shoot the explosive barrel to clear a path to the Murgo “Mad Trader” Model. If you’ve been following our entire See the Future walkthrough, then this should be your tenth Murgo trophy. The Con Artist achievement is yours.

All that’s left is to approach the bewitched statue and use the point & laugh expression while wearing the hobbe costume. Since the wisps won’t follow a hobbe, put on the hollow man costume and lead them up the stairs and back out to the Celestial Keep entrance. When you approach the “knight” this time, though, he reveals himself as a necromancer and you’ll be forced into battle. Since he constantly summons in hollow men and teleports himself around, you’ll need to time your attacks properly to cause him any damage. When he finally falls, you’ll receive 750 renown points and will trigger The Vision quest. A cullis gate back to Bowerstone Market appears, but don’t take it just yet. You have one more gate to open, remember?

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Don the hobbe outfit and run back to the hidden area that you uncovered by slashing through the second set of thickets. Use the point & laugh expression on the bewitched statue here and you’ll gain entrance to the floating target beyond. A melee, will, and ranged attack will send the target over the gate and into an inaccessible area, so you’ll have to improvise. Step over to the left hobbe statue to spawn a melee-oriented apparition that can run through the doorway and strike the target on the other side. Then spawn the will-oriented apparition and he’ll do the same. These two attacks will be enough to finish the sequence and open the doorway. Pose for the expression statue at the end of the courtyard beyond, then kill all of the hostile statues to open the iron gate to the cullis gate.

Prior to entering the gate, walk just off to the right and let your dog point out a dig spot where you can earn a Lucien Doll. You’re now ready to travel to The Last Beacon, where you’ll discover a chest containing the Ethical Green Dye. And that should do it! You’re now ready to return to Mystical Murgo.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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