The Hero of Will – Fable II

This guide will help you complete The Hero of Will quest in Fable II.

The Hero of Will Walkthrough

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With The Hero of Strength quest out of the way, your next objective is to meet with Theresa and Hannah at the Chamber of Fate. Fast-travel to Guild Cave and trigger the conversation with Theresa that awaits you. The seer will tell you that the next Hero you seek is a powerful mage named Garth, who just so happens to be the same “Master Garth” you met so many years ago during your visit to Castle Fairfax. Garth is at Brightwood Tower working with some sort of old technology, so that’s where you’re headed next.

Brightwood can be reached via the road leading out of Bower Lake to the southeast. The tower you seek is located on the eastern side of the river in Brightwood. Theresa warns that “someone or something is coming your way”, so I suppose that means you should be on your toes. Activate the statue plinth up ahead, then open the gate to the southeast path. After a battle with some Hobbes, you’ll witness a strange artifact floating into formation above the tower’s steps. This is a shard of the Tattered Spire, and it will begin teleporting in Lucien’s Spire Guards. You’ll have to defeat a few waves of them before you can make it to the tower’s ground floor.

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Loot the ground floor chest for a Standard Health Potion, a Resurrection Phial, and a Dog Treat, then ascend a flight of stairs to reach a landing area where another battle needs to take place. Press on after the fight concludes, climbing a final set of steps to the tower’s peak.

Here, you’ll witness the tail-end of a battle between Garth and Lucien’s Commandant. Unfortunately, the Commandant has gotten the best of Garth, and, using the floating Shard, he captures the mage in order to bring him back to the Tattered Spire. There’s nothing more you can do, so Theresa requests that you come back to the Chamber of Fate for further instructions. This brings us to the The Bargain quest, while also opening up two new side quests – Cold Comfort Farmer and Red Harvest.

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After you’ve progressed further into the game and have spent ten years as a guard at the Tattered Spire (during The Spire quest), you’ll actually be reporting to that very same Commandant. Lucien’s lackey tells you that a guard has gone missing and you’re to find him and escort him to the torture chamber for dereliction of duty. Take the lengthy jaunt down to the Spire’s most recent construction sites to discover the guard’s lifeless body. Search the corpse to obtain a Steel Cutlass, a Steel Clockwork Pistol, and three Cure-All Health Potions.

The guard died at the hands of Garth, who suddenly shows up and fires a jolt of lightning that removes your collar. His magic is spent from freeing the both of you and killing the guard, but you’re now a free man with weaponry at your disposal! The only way out of the Spire is through the Commandant’s chamber, so it’s time to get a little payback while you make your way back there. Unfortunately, you only get to face a half dozen waves of guards, so savor every minute of it.

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The Commandant is nowhere to be seen when you reach his chamber. Garth points out a new load of recruits showing up at the Spire, which diverts your attention long enough for the Commandant to make a grand entrance behind you. Garth takes a lightning bolt to the face, which means you have to face him and a pair of respawning guards by yourself. The Commandant’s two primary maneuvers are a magical ground attack and a short range teleportation whenever you start to get the best of him. Just keep hacking, blasting, or conjuring relentlessly and he’ll eventually fall. With his death, Garth is transformed to his normal, powerful self.

Take the cullis gate Garth opens to reach the Spire’s docks. The Hero of Will will unleash a firestorm that destroys Lucien’s ships, but you’ll still have to battle your way down the main walkway to reach the last intact ship. The Spire Guards will continue to spawn behind you, so don’t worry about fighting them all. As soon as you reach the plank leading up to the ship, a cutscene shows your hasty departure back to land.

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When you reach the dock in Oakfield, Garth thanks you for your help. Shortly thereafter, Theresa arrives with your dog and your old equipment. She then explains to Garth that you need his help to destroy the Spire and the two of them teleport away to discuss the details in private. This concludes the quest, granting you 5000 renown points and the Broken Spire Collar trophy. You’ll now be heading to the Rookridge Inn to meet Hammer as part of the The Cullis Gate quest, though you can also participate in the Hobbe Squatters and Blind Date side quests or see how Barnum fared if you became his business partner as part of the Westcliff Development quest.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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