The Rescue – Fable II

This guide will help you complete The Rescue quest in Fable II.

The Rescue Walkthrough

fable ii the rescue quest 1

After having a baby or two with your favorite spouse or spouses, they’ll no doubt grow into youngsters with a penchant for adventure much like yourself. It’s after they’ve outgrown their crib and grown bored of city life that your worried spouse will hand you either Your Daughter’s Letter or Your Son’s Letter describing their plans to slay some hobbes in a cave “just like Daddy” or “just like Mommy”. Now, unless you’re absolutely the most ruthless, cruel, and cold-hearted Hero Albion has ever seen, you’re probably going to want to go save your child from the horrible transformation they’ll face when captured by the hobbes. And they will be captured.

It’s pretty obvious that your child has gone to Hobbe Cave in Rookridge, so that’s where you’re headed. Once you’ve fast-traveled inside, pull out your favorite weapon and get to work decimating the hobbes that attempt to impede your progress through the cave. After slaying several groups of them, you’ll reach a back cave where a slightly stronger hobbe puts up a bit of a fight before relinquishing his Hobbe Cage Key. With the key in hand, you can unlock the cage holding your son or daughter captive.

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Now it’s just a matter of escaping the cave alive. You’ll have to do battle with quite a few more hobbes on your way to the cave’s ladder exit (the same one you used years ago when reaching the other side of the broken bridge), but it shouldn’t be anything you can’t handle. When you and your child arrive safely on solid ground, you’ll discover that your wife has made the journey to meet you and escort your son or daughter home. After making your child promise that there will be no more future adventures, you’ll receieve a congrtulatory “I love you” from your spouse, 1500 renown points, 30 Good points (whether you like it or not), and the Hobbe Staff Head trophy.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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