The Ritual – Fable II

This guide will help you complete The Ritual quest in Fable II.

The Ritual Walkthrough

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At the conclusion of the The Journey Begins quest, you will have finally reached the abbot at the Temple of Light in Oakfield. The abbot is in desperate need of aid, but chances are he’s not going to entrust his community’s survival to you just yet. He asks that you build up your reputation first by dealing with the bandits that inhabit Rookridge. This opens up the A Bridge Too Far quest, though you’ll also have access to the The Sculptor quest. It really doesn’t matter how you proceed from here, as long as you gain enough renown to convince the abbot that you’re the Hero for the job.

Once you’ve earned the abbot’s respect by gaining enough renown, approach him in the Temple of Light once more and he’ll ask you to take a walk with him. Here, he explains that the monks require water from a nearby cave in order to nourish the golden acorn. Such a job requires the strongest monk in the order, which just so happens to be the abbot’s own child. Therefore, the abbot has decided to send you along as a protector.

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Follow the path to the south of the temple until you hear singing up ahead. As it turns out, the abbot’s child is a large burly woman named Hannah. As a monk of the Temple of Light, she’s taken an oath never to fight, so that means you’ll be doing any and all fighting if things get rough while acquiring the water. Once she hoists the jug up onto her back, head inside the Wellspring Cave.

Things are pretty quiet in the cave (other than Hannah’s non-stop talking) as you make your way into the central chamber. Once the first pressure plate is stepped on, lead the way through the left door and into the first water chamber. Assume your position on the right pressure plate here until Hannah gets the jug filled up a bit, then start your way back to the central chamber again. At this point, things start to get a little more difficult. The wisps above you begin streaming down to the cave floor, where they morph into Hollow Men (undead zombie-like creatures). You’ll have to slay several of them before reaching the central chamber.

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In the second water chamber, you need to stand up on a raised platform while Hannah fills the jug below you. Hollow Men will begin streaming in while it’s filling, so you’ll want to use ranged weaponry or spells to keep them at bay while also keeping weight on the pressure plate. When the jug finally hits 100 percent, you’ll return to the central chamber once more.

As the third portcullis starts to open, it gets stuck and your dog runs off underneath it. When he finally returns with the head of a Hollow Man, the door will raise the rest of the way. Hmm. In the room past the portcullis, you’ll be assaulted by several waves of Hollow Men until, finally, a “headless elite Hollow Man” charges forth. Help your dog dismantle the rest of him, then move into the final water chamber.

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Standing on yet another pressure plate, you’ll watch as Hannah’s jug is blessed by the Light. When the ritual is finished, one of the Temple of Light monks enters the chamber and tells Hannah that her father is being held captive by one of Lucien’s men at the temple. This prompts her to grab a hammer from the hands of a nearby statue and run off to save him. And so we have The Hero of Strength.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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