The Spire – Fable II

This guide will help you complete The Spire quest in Fable II.

The Spire Walkthrough

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When you emerge from The Crucible victorious, you will have succeeded in earning a spot among Lucien’s guards at the Tattered Spire. To sign up, simply accompany Hammer down to the Westcliff docks and board the ship. However, you won’t be returning from the Spire for a very long time, so make sure you’ve wrapped up any side quests that you’re still interested in before boarding the ship. Additionally, you can’t bring any of your possessions or your dog, so say goodbye to your favorite legendary blade and your beloved furface.

A sweet-looking cinematic chronicles your journey out to Lucien’s amazing fortress. Once you’ve docked, you and a handful of other men (including a talkative fellow named Bob) will walk the length of the dock for an audience with Lucien himself. After ranting about chaos and how he intends to remake Albion, the white-skinned child murderer will demand your obedience before a bright light assaults your eyes. You’ll wake up in the Spire barracks wearing a new set of clothes and an unremovable collar that’s supposedly part of Lucien’s obedience program. And so Week One starts with you reporting to the Commandant.

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Follow the dark pathway through a few sliding doors and up some stairs to meet up with Bob. Follow him a short ways and you’ll spy Garth locked in a cell. The Hero of Will is powerless at the moment, though he tells you to be patient through telepathy. Since there’s nothing you can do to help him at the moment, just continue on until you reach the Commandant’s room.

You’ll probably recognize the Commandant from your brief glimpse of him as he captured Garth at the top of Brightwood Tower. Referring to you by your Spire name – Recruit 273 – the nasty-looking slavemaster decides to test your obedience. After explaining how the collar around your neck will drain experience when you disobey, the Commandant demands that you climb the stairs and stand by him. If you refuse, you’ll lose a significant amount of experience, but gain Good points. On the other hand, obeying the Commandant earns you Evil points, though without any experience loss. Each time you refuse, your experience loss increases. Refuse three times or obey all of the Commandant’s commands and the test is over.

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Fast forward to Week 38. You’re to report to the detention centre, where the guard watching over some workers has decided to leave his post in order to grab a bite to eat. The enslaved workers are starving, which places you into a moral dilemma during the guard’s three-minute break. Disobeying your orders to pull any of the feeding levers outside their cells earns you Good points, but it also results in experience loss. Ignore the workers’ pleas for food and you’ll gain Evil points every minute. Choose as you will.

On to Week 137. The Commandant has requested your presence in his chamber, so make your way up there to see what he wants. Lucky for you, he’s chosen you for a “special duty”. Guard 268 – or Bob, as you know him – refuses to stop mumbling. Since he cannot obey, the Commandant has deemed him useless. He hands you a Master Cutlass and gives you the order to execute Bob. As expected, sparing him earns Good points, while killing him earns Evil points. If you’re feeling really gutsy, you can even take a few swings at the Commandant for extra positive morality points. Despite your best efforts, though, the Commandant will kill Bob himself.

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Many years later (ten years to be exact, with significant growth to the Spire), you’re to report to the Commandant yet again. This actually brings us back to the The Hero of Will quest. Your time at the Spire is coming to a close.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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