The Vision – Fable II

This guide will help you complete The Vision quest in the See The Future DLC for Fable II.

The Vision Walkthrough

fable ii the vision quest 1

With The Costume Party behind you, Mystical Murgo hands you a Spire Statue that he claims gives him “the willies”. As with the snowglobe and skull, just use it from your inventory and you’ll find yourself inside… The Tattered Spire?

What takes place here is a meeting with the seer Theresa, though the exchange really leaves you with more questions than answers. After going on about futures converging and unavoidable events, Theresa will take your hand and transform you into a king. You’ll walk the length of your throne room to get a good look at your soldiers, people, and the throne of Albion.

fable ii the vision quest 2

But Theresa claims that all of this means nothing at all. The only thing that truly matters is your child – a child that has not been born yet. This child is destined for greatness, she tells you, and Albion’s fate (and the fate of Aurora, whatever or whoever that is) will rest upon his or her shoulders one day. “For now you must live your life and prepare for what is to come,” she tells you.

With that, you’re transported back to wherever you originally used the Spire Statue, where you’ll be given a Royal Crown, a Royal Robe, some Royal Trousers, and a pair of Royal Boots. You’re now ready to move on to The Colosseum quest.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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