Westcliff Development – Fable II

This guide will help you complete the Westcliff Development quest in Fable II.

Westcliff Development Walkthrough

fable ii westcliff development quest

This quest becomes available when you make it to the Westcliff camp at the conclusion of the Road to Westcliff quest. Unless you have more than enough money already and have no interest in renown points, you should make a point to do this quest as it’s quite lucrative. Up on the grassy area above the tavern next to a pulley system stands the would-be entrepreneur Barnum. Approach him to learn that he’s come up with a plan – thanks to his newfound faith in T.O.B.Y. – to take the “rotten” Westcliff land and “metamorphilate” it into a tourist trap.

However, Barnum is a little short on cash. If you’re willing to become his business partner and invest 5000 gold toward the project, he promises that you’ll get “every crumb of it back”, with interest. Pay him the money and he explains that he’ll notify you by letter when the project is completed. Obviously, a project like this takes some time, so it won’t be until after you return from The Spire that you’ll be able to cash in on your investment.

When you finally return to Westcliff after your ten-year stint as a guard at the Tattered Spire, you’ll discover that the camp has seen some big improvements. There is much more real estate now, including The Foaming Jugs tavern, a Westcliff General Store, a Westcliff Blacksmith, and several caravan homes. What’s more, all of these new establishments can be purchased and added to your real estate empire. A large statue of a knight riding a pig adorns the center of the main marketplace (I have no idea why, either), and the Westcliff Shooting Range is under new ownership. In fact, it’s considerably easier to score points at the shooting range now since you’ll be shooting at the larger bandit targets instead of the smaller villager targets.

Familiarize yourself with the changes, then go meet up with Barnum by the pulley system on the grassy hill again. He’s very excited about the “marvelous transformation” that has occured here in Westcliff – families are now enjoying wholesome fun, there isn’t a criminal to be found, and all poverty has been eradicated. He gives you his heartfelt thanks and leaves to pursue other ventures, but not before giving you back your initial 5,000 gold investment and another 10,000 gold in interest. You’ll also earn 1500 renown points for completing the quest.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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